Muffin Bottoms [not] Just another WordPress weblog


UPDATE: (Can’t believe I left something this crucial out 6 years ago!)

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,News,Poetics,Tech — admin @ 4:05 pm

Holy wah. 6 years ago I forgot to include the actual link to the music video of a song so people had to find it on their own.


Lo siento, desculpa me.



So here’s an explication:


The story behind “Chiapaneca,” a song. (Girl From Chiapas) – a Flamenco/Huapango mix.

It is December 22, 1997. A paramilitary group called “Paz y Justicia” rapes and murders dozens of women and children at a prayer meeting in Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas. One paramilitary chooses to leave. He picks up a little girl, Marcela saving her from harm. But later he is found out in the act of helping her escape to the neighboring village and they hang him after much torture. Aggressively they search for little Marcela but give up after a time. There are other witnesses they weren’t able to kill. Undetected, a young guitarist sits in the bushes; waiting for them to leave. He remembers everything he has seen.


[ref] = [ ]


Track List for Marc Frucht’s Free 2012 Christmas CD

Christmas Rekkid,
a Free CD by Marco Frucht

Track List:

1) Intro Eastern Point Beach
2) Anarcho Jazzm Arch (A March)
3) Old Folksinger
4) Ziggy’s Little Drummer Boy
5) Completely Different
6) Burma Shave
7) Roll In My Sweet Baby’s Arms
8) Bunion
9) How Come (You Do Me Like You Do)
10) It’s Beginning To Look A Lot (Like Xmas)
11) Is This Thing On
12) Chiapaneca
13) Frybread
14) Little Things
15) Swedish Folk Song
16) Manitou
17) Love Me For My Heart
18) Verseless Song

Full description at:

Free CD — Last year’s entire 18 song Christmas record!


RIP Sam Houston Kingfisher, an old friend I met on the Navajo rez.

Filed under: Humor,Mundane Or Sublime,News — admin @ 8:53 am

RIP Sam Houston Kingfisher, an old friend I met on the Navajo rez.

I just found out an old friend, Sam had died two years ago.

Sam’s dad Eagle Kingfisher was really good friends with Sam Drywater who I met in Tulsa in 1992.

A very headhitting funny story I can tell you about Sam Drywater is this. A newage wannabe lady came to this potluck supper we were having and she found out that Sam was a bona fide certified wool-in-the-dyed medicine type elder dude. So she offered him a pack of cigarettes and asked his advice about a profound moment she had just had. She was driving to that pot luck just hours ago and drove by a large hawk that had been hit by a car. She stopped a while and sat and prayed near it and asked Creator for guidance and was just certain Creator sent him to her, in the form of sending him to that Potluck that she was going to. Well Sam asked for a small room he could darken completely and some blankets and clothespins to do it. He sat in that room for at 20 minutes, and I swear this lady sat in a chair facing that door the entire time waiting for him to come out just like my family dog used to do when you pushed down the electric canopener.

Well he eventually came out that door while most of us were eating potluck stuff and mingling and he went right to her. Well he couldn’t go anywhere else without going right to her first because she was about 9 feet away directly in front of that door facing him. She got up like he was 9 men on a jury about to give the verdict and she was the defendant.


She stared deeply into his eyes, and he stared back. Neither of them blinked for a long time.

I just knew she wasn’t going to do a thing until he said something. It was almost painful to watch. Finally he pursed his lips and stiffened his chin and here’s what came out.

“Did you call the DEP or at least the DOT?”

She left that potluck with a mission, pronto. Many of us giggled a little. Even before Sam Drywater told Eagle, Eagle’s wife, his wife, me and Sam and a guy everyone calls Fumby, we laughed again as he told us he figured out in that room that it had to be the same roadkill wild turkey he’d driven by a few hours to get to the same potluck supper.

Well that’s what I remember, there’s probably more. So long ago.

Story about Sam Drywater while I’m remembering Sam Houston Kingfisher, sort of his nephew, who died a couple years ago. I just found out this morning. RIP.


New London’s 5th Annual Youth Talent Show Is Going To Be Sooooo Awesome!

Filed under: Academic,Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 pm
This just in from The New London Youth Talent Show


The results are in. Thank you all! It was tough, but the search is over.

We are excited for this year and promise an EPIC showcase!

Be sure to tell your friends and family! Bring joy this Holiday season. Tickets go on sale SOON!


1) William Nieves

2) Denny Ward

3) Eric Jones

4) Kairo Castillo

5) Lions Den

6) Jeni Flo Band

7) Ryder Singer-Johnson

8) Dance Infusion

9) Sara Coley

10) Moe Steele

11) Caroline Tanner

12) Jonas Picinich

13) Todd Belcher

14) Naomi Jones

15) Zak Ackart

16) CJ Thibeau

17) Juan Moscol

18) Anna Dozier

19) Carlos Rosario

20) Andrew Barnes

21) Ramon Mendez

22) Sara Maynara

23) Michael Okoasia **

24) Iyanla Page

25) Casey Flax

26) Rebecca Reyes

27) Rhythm ‘n Sync

28) Miquel DeJesus

29) Zionna Williams

30) Brian Johnson

31) Mykela Parker

32) Maria Bonanno

33) Joseph Salcedo

34) Ra’anna Clark

35) Serenity Davies

36) Kathianna Celestin

37) Aliyah Slater

38) Dina Erie

39) Crystaliz Sanchez

40) Brianna Brown

41) Kathy Liz

This show is going to be so off the chain, over the top, other worldly, out of the park, amazingly wild and wow, what else to say that begins with a “w” or an “o” did I say Wow? Yeah, wow, just wow.


CEREMONY: NAMA15 Realtime Hilites From the ATIZINE LiveTweet.

Filed under: Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 am



CEREMONY: Donating Some More Journalism Skills to the Native American Music Awards

By marco capelli frucht

[inline] [/inline]  silenceisaweapon-laptop-blackfiresticker2

So here’s my reverse chronology rundown of the Nammys last night. Their 15th annual. 

There were a couple glitches at the beginning of the show from the webstream’s point of view but overall it went really great. This is the first year they’ve managed to include anyone else anywhere else in the world who wanted to watch the Ceremony from afar. I’m really psyched about how well it went, and what an artifact it’s now become thanks to the people at Livestream, SingleFeather, and FNXdotOrg. Yippie!

Congrats to Tribe @atribecalledred for their Best Music Video win at the nammys! capelli @atizine · 10h10 hours ago
So I missed @raphaeldeas presenting and I missed Village People shouting out the pop category. What else did I miss?
@atizine Here’s a link where you can scroll fwd/bkwd and see anything you might’ve missed earlier 2nite: …

· 10h10 hours ago
BTW: I think Livestream’s company has plenty of bandwidth to archive shows so it’s probably going to be an “artifact” now. 🙂
· 10h10 hours ago
And my sistah from anuddah mother, Janice Marie Johnson closes the show. #nama #nammys
Kelly Montijo Fink and John Kane presenting the next one… #nama #nammys #nammy

More capelli @atizine · 11h11 hours ago
@4JayMichael You’re welcome! So happy I can help out even a little bit from afar. I’ve been there backstage for so many other ones.
· 11h11 hours ago
It is so absolutely neato keen and awesomely wonderful to see @theplateros joining Indigenous. Now that’s rock n roll. Have Mercy! 
· 11h11 hours ago
@mwalim brings the music a capella to introduce Charly Lowry and DarkWater Rising. Wow.
Best Rock Recording goes to the Ollivanders #nama #nammy #nammys
Sihasin about to perform one of their songs. I think Woody Guthrie’s “Mean Things” is gonna be one of ’em. 🙂
Ryan Little Eagle Molina takes Best Instrumental Recording Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “The Long Journey Home.”
More · 11h11 hours ago
Janice Marie, how’s the lights for you. Too bright? Not bright enough? 😛 That’s right, boogie oogie oogie. Good work grrl!

Nama gives a guitar away. Weall usually sign it the night b4. It’s always a fundraiser for great things. Vets, heating fuel, antisuicide…
· 12h12 hours ago
Joanne @JoShenandoah‘s daughter Leah performs one of her songs at NAMA15. 14nov14 🙂
· 12h12 hours ago
Dark Water Running and Jimmy Wolf win Nammys. Couldn’t write fast enough for provenance. I’ll get the specifics asap.
· 12h12 hours ago
Sihasin takes the Debut Group Of The Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Never Surrender!” Yippie!

More· 12h12 hours ago
Tracy Bone takes the Best Country Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys Yippie!
@raphaeldeas @NativeAwards I think it’s 15lbs, Raphael, but I know whatcha mean!
@Edko5871 See what I mean? Edko’s houseband’s jam right now sounds like Eagles’ I can’t tell you why, meets Ted Nugent’s Stranglehold… Show @NAMCountdown · 15h15 hours ago
Good luck to everyone at the #NAMA‘s! Happy 15th Anniversary!
· 12h12 hours ago
@Edko5871 provides the house band for each annual #nammys – These guys are selfless and amazingly talented! So proud to call them friend
· 12h12 hours ago
FNX, First Nations Experience provides this brand new #nammys live webstream along with Mikey Kickingbear Johnson’s SingleFeather Media.
Samantha Eldridge @DCSamantha · 21h21 hours ago
Don’t have plans tonight? Watch the live stream of the 15th Annual Native American Music Awards @ 8:00 PM EST #NAMA
marco capelli retweeted Arts @ICTMN_Arts · 13h13 hours ago
Are you watching? Native American Music Awards #NAMA streaming live right now on @FNXTV link: 
marco capelli retweeted Waln @FrankWaln · 5 Nov 2012
My beats were winning awards before I was. #Nammys Best Producer 2010 Best Rap/Hip Hop Recording 2011 
Bobby Richardson @ColdWinterWind · 10 May 2013
ME!! RT @delschilling: Who is watching the #NAMMYS ? 
Ed Koban @Edko5871 · Apr 5
Please visit my band page and click like. We appreciate your support. #EKG #FUMSE #nammys #NAMA #edko 
· 12h12 hours ago
And what’s Jim Boyd do in addition to giving an acceptance speech? Carries out his geetar and plays for us. Yippie! @atizine
View conversation

· 12h12 hours ago
Jim Boyd gets “rekonized” at the 15th Nammys. Hard medicine; good medicine. Janice Marie Johnson hands Jim the Lifetime Achievement award.
· 13h13 hours ago
Leah Shenandoah takes the Debut Artist Of the Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for her rekkid “Spektra.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Indigenous wins the Best Blues Recording #Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Vanishing Americans.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Buddy Big Mountain & his little friend intros the next performer, Jan Michael Looking Wolf at the 15th annual #nammys

· 13h13 hours ago
The Tribe wins the Best Pow Wow Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Stoic.”

14h14 hours ago
@DylanJenet onstage this second presenting!!! Best Pow Wow Recording. Who might get it! #nama #nammys #nammy

· 14h14 hours ago
“Indian Honkytonk Wonder Woman.” — One of the Superkids jammin live this sec w/ Wayne Silas, Jr. Menom & Oneida represent! @KarlaCarolAnn
View conversation
· 14h14 hours ago
Spirit of Thunderheart wins the Best Traditional Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Rising.”

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@Edko5871 Boy, that’s a gorgious backline, what with the Mesa Boogies, Marshalls and Fenders and stuff. :) 
View conversation

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@dougbluefeather, are you watching the #nammys on the webstream? @NativeAwards

Dark Water Rising @DarkWaterRising · Nov 13
Layla Rose got all of us to take a #selfie. #GotSnow #Salamanca #NY #NAMMYS 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
Watching the native american music awards on the livestream. #nammys 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@tinselkorey @Nataanii_Means …
View conversation

marco capelli retweeted
Zalka Csenge Virág @TarkabarkaHolgy · Nov 13
Don’t know yet what I am teaching next semester, but #RebelMusic is going straight in the syllabus. #culturestudies

marco capelli retweeted
Tinsel Korey @tinselkorey · Nov 13
Watching @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means & @inezjasper on the big screen #RebelMusic @MTV #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth 
marco capelli retweeted
Alannah Begay @LongHair_DC · Nov 13
Inspiring and powerful video on behalf of @MTV . Native Country is alive and well! Represent. @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means@inezjasper

marco capelli retweeted Dani @xodanix3 · Nov 13
What I liked most about #RebelMusic was it showed Native Americans as human. Not as angry activist or stereotypes but as relateable ppl.

And here’s the complete list of winners:

Artist of the Year
Mato Nanji
Vanishing Americans

Best Blues Recording
Vanishing Americans

Best Compilation Recording
Don’t Let Me Forget
Kelly Montijo Fink

Best Country Recording
Woman Of Red
Tracy Bone

Debut Artist of the Year
Leah Shenandoah

Debut Group of the Year
Never Surrender

Best Female Artist
Rita Coolidge
A Rita Coolidge Christmas

Best Folk Recording
Keeper of the Dreams
Red Feather Woman

Flutist of the Year
Rona Yellowrobe
The Gathering

Best Inspirational Recording
Grace & Grit: Chapter I
Dark Water Rising

Group of the Year
Plenty Wolf Singers
Medicine Wolf

Best Historical/Linguistic Recording
Heart of the Buffalo
Richard Stepp & Rick McKee

Best Instrumental Recording
The Long Journey Home
Ryan Little Eagle Molina

Best Male Artist
Jimmy Wolf
A Tribute To Little Johnny Taylor

Best Native American Church Recording
Apache Peyote Songs
Joe Tohonnie Jr

Best New Age Recording
Rushingwind & Mucklow

Best Pop Recording
Day After Day
Jamie Coon

Best Pow Wow Recording
Tha Tribe

Best Producer
Kevin Chief
Honoring The Mazinikijik Singers

Best Rap Hip Hop Recording
One Tribe One Nation
The Council

Record of the Year
Romanze Songs of Tosti
Lawrence Harris

Best Rock Recording
Two Sons
The Ollivanders

Song of the Year
Witchi Tai-To – Water Spirits
Shadowyze, Caren Knight Pepper and Jim Pepper

Songwriter of the Year
Theresa “Bear” Fox

Best Spoken Word Recording
Grandfather Speaks
Ken Quiet Hawk

Best Traditional Recording
Spirit of Thunderheart

Best Music Video
Sisters ft Northern Voice
A Tribe Called Red

Best Waila Recording
In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Father & Uncle
Family Pride

Best World Music Recording
Nature Dance
Joanne Shenandoah

Native Heart
Lex Nichols
The Long Road

Lifetime Achievement
Jim Boyd



Asking Governor’s Promise He’ll Represent People Who Pay At The Pump

Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime,News,OpEd,Tech — admin @ 1:22 pm

This afternoon I gave our governor some data and asked him to do a favor similar to what Sam Gejdenson pulled off back when I was about 17 years old. He had managed to catch lots of gas gouging that caused southeastern CT to be the lowest wages and highest gas prices. Prices went down to something managable but crept back up little by little to where it is now once again New London County having some of the lowest wages in the state but the highest gas prices.


I was telecommuting in Muddy Waters eating one of their famous Love Salads when the Mayor, Governor and many other democrat cronies walked in to do some schmoozing at this the third of three local coffeehouse stops including BeanLeaf and Washington Street Cafe.

I wasn’t prepared to speak with him but I remembered this issue historically and would love to pose this question of everyone from him to Richard Blumenthal to Joe Courtney. And no, not just because they’re democrats. Mostly because it hurts.

Well the Governor begged to differ and said he thought Fairfield’s prices were 10 or 20 cents higher, and I sought compromise saying then that maybe Groton, NL, Wtfd have the lowest wages and the second highest gas prices in the state and he agreed to look into it.

So while he was schmoozing with everyone I buried myself back in my laptop and went right to one of those gasprices dot com sites to get him some data. Jotted them down on the back of a biz card and handed it off to one of his staffers asking him to get that data to him whenever things are less pressing. He obliged.



Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,News — admin @ 7:44 pm
Story and Photos by Marc Frucht
  Published in Mountaineer Weekly July 20, 1990
  Comanche Code Talker Forrest Kassanavoid told
soldiers of 124th Sig BN to be proud of their lineage.
  "You have a special relationship with an Indian Tribe
in Oklahoma," he told them.
  Kassanavoid shared his World War II, 4th infantry div
experiences with the signal soldiers during a battalion
sponsored luncheon at Giuseppe's Depot Restaurant,
Tuesday afternoon.
  The military recruited Comanche, Navajo and Choctaw
Indians because their native language was harder to crack
than codes they came up with every day. The Germans and
Italians were never able to interpret any of the trans-
missions they'd intercepted which contained the Indian
  124th SIG BN boasts campaign history from WWII through
Vietnam including the Normandy invasion. Back then it was
called the 4th SIG CO, according to Kassanavoid. Organized
June 1, 1940 in the Harmony Church area of Fort Benning,
GA.; the 4th SIG worked under many commanding officers and
Kassanavoid remembers almost every single one.
  "Let's see," said the code talker, "first there was Capt.
Terrance Tulley. He was a West Point grad, 1920. Then we got
Capt. Arthur McCrarey, then 1st Lt. Seoul Christman. He became
the division signal officer until he was seriously wounded in
an air attack in Normandy. Then came Capt. Phillip Bragen, and
hmmmm, a Capt. Dunaway..." He then went on to share all of his
4th Infantry Division war stories with the signal soldiers.
  As a recruit, the code talker went from Fort Benning, GA.,
to Camp Gordon, now Fort Gordon and home of Army Signal School.
[Coincidently where Colonel Kaddaffy, Agosto Pinochet and Manuel
Noriega all took classes at one time or another.] From there he
went to Fort Dix, NJ; Camp Gordon Johnson for amphibious
training; Camp Jackson, SC and then Camp Joyce Kilmer, NJ
for his portcall.
  Liverpool, England, to regroup and train at Tibberton in
Devonshire, and then to invade Utah Beach.
  4th SIG was made up of five platoons, according to
Kassanavoid. HQ platoon contained the company clerks, mess
cooks, drivers, supply and maintainance soldiers. The Message
Center section was where the distribution came and went.
There was a radio section similar to what signal battalions
have today; and a "T-n-T" section. They handled all aspects
of telephone and telegraph, to include the division
switchboard. The wire people, Kassanavoid included, were
called the construction section.
  Street fighting was not fun from the construction section
point of view, according to Kassanavoid.
  "We had to lay all the wire along the streets. We'd tag 
the wires just like you still do today. But then the civilians
around town would take the tags as souvenirs."
  He said without tags, troubleshooting became "one hell of a
  In wartime, light discipline didn't mean red lenses or quick
flicks of light that hopefully no one will notice. All wire 
construction was done in the dark.
  "You feel your way out there," he said. Out into the darkness
he went expecting a saboteur maybe, but hoping it was nothing
more than a short or a grounded wire. Most of the time he'd do
a quick fix, ring back to a switchboard and then dig in.
  Kassanavoid said that on D-Day, June 6, 4th SIG was right in
the middle of things. While the 7th Corps was bombarding Omaha
Beach, three battalions from the 4th Infantry Division invaded
at Utah. Paratroopers made a perfect landing at Utah Beach, but
the Navy dropped 4th SIG - along with their division - about a
half mile off because of choppy waters and changing tides.
  "Fortunate," said Kassanavoid. "It was pretty dry where we
landed. We didn't have to worry as much about water."
  They battled in what he termed 'hedgerow fighting.' He 
said farms were fenced off by nothing more than a series of 
hills pushed together and they had hedges on top. The signal 
soldiers were almost grounded to a halt by the hedges; until 
they called in for support. B-17s bombed every grid coordinate 
they hollered over their radios and they managed to break out.
  When they worked their way to Paris, he said all France had
was armored units, so 4th ID was asked to provide infantry
support. That made 4th SIG front line troops, as well as 
invasion forces.
  When the war ended, Kassanavoid was billeted in Amburg in
preparation for coming home. From there he went to Camp
Bruckner, N.C., where he was given 30 days furlough.
  Kassanavoid discussed how 4th ID has changed over the 
years as well as how it has stayed the same. Recruits didn't
come in right away as privates, according to the code talker.
His first four months he was called a "yardbird;" he was paid
$21 a month. After becoming a private, a soldier could take
in $30 a month. A "shackman" was someone married with
dependents. He said 4th ID had more shackmen than any other
division in the Army. He remarked at how many women there are
in today's signal corps. Back then they didn't see women 
working with radios or constructing wire.
  Back in Kassanavoid's time the signal soldier had generators
to power his equipment. Some were similar to the ones still in
use, but he said most of the time there was someone pushing a
hand-crank to generate a couple volts.
  He recognized the 5-gallon fuel cans being used in the 
signal battalion's motor pool and commented that we stole
that idea from the Germans after World War I. A couple cans
got into our hands somehow and we've been making them for use
on jeeps ever since.
  Kassanavoid said it was easy for a Comanche Indian to
adapt to military life because all of their early education
was at government boarding schools.
  "Basically we changed barracks rooms and uniforms," Said
Kassanavoid, "that's all."
  Army-run schools on the Indian reservations meant speaking
Comanche at home, and mostly English at school. His grasp of
both languages made him an easy recruit for the Code Talker
mission. Comanche language was used to relay some of the Army's
most important messages in WWII. The code talkers worked with
regiments in the field where they coded messages back to 4th ID
headquarters so another 4 SIG could receive and decode the
  Kassanavoid lives in Indiahoma, OK., with his wife Marian
and three children - Larry who served in the Army infantry in
Vietnam; Marlon who served in a signal outfit in Europe; and
a daughter, Amaryllis.
  He now works for the school department in Indahoma as home-
school co ordinator under the Johnson - O'Malley Program passed
by Congress in 1934. His work is mostly youth-oriented, from
financial assistance for young Indians, morale and attendance
programs, as well as sports programs
  On Nov. 3, 1989, the French government awarded him the
Chevalier de l'Order National du Merite" medal on the steps
of Oklahoma's State Capitol. Two other surviving Comanche Code
Talkers received the medal. Charles Chibitty is from Tulsa,
and Dick Red Elk is from Lawton.
  "You soldiers can say with pride," Kassanavoid said, "that
you've been decorated by the French. Being singled out like
that is a great honor."
  He said the Comanche heritage is in a 124th SIG soldier's
lineage and in his roots.
  "Be proud," he said, "Be thankful."

      PFC Frucht was a MOUNTAINEER stringer for 
    124SIG at the time of this publishing. While 
    Kassanavoid was on Utah Beach, Frucht has a 
    great uncle who lived through Omaha beach as 
    a signal soldier, and an uncle who also saw 
    combat as a "radio man" in the marines. Frucht 
    learned of this long after signing up for the 
    army signal corps himself. Go figure.  


Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,News,OpEd,Tech — admin @ 11:37 am

Pat Richardson Video: Transcribed by Marco Frucht

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes

I typed this in so that people can make direct quotes if they’d like. I sure would. 😉

I am here today not speaking just on behalf of myself; I’m here representing 1110 other parents, educators and taxpayers in our state who have some very serious reservations about the common core initiative.

We are not alone in this regard; 6 other states have pulled out of their agreement.

22 other states currently have legislation pending to either get out of common core or to make significant changes to it.

After listening to what was said this morning, I have come to the conclusion that this board is clearly as uninformed as the parents are or were, when these standards were adopted.

We were told the same thing that you were told, and that common core is a set of rigorous college ready internationally benchmarked standards that prepare our kids to compete in a global economy.

This is nothing more than an empty sales pitch for corporations and government agencies to profit from our kids and sell them down river in the name of saving education.

I’ve a math question for you, board members, are you ready? Get your pencils out. I’m not kidding. Are you smarter than a common core 4th grader.

Let’s find out. The problem is, Mr. Yamata’s class has 18 students. If the class counts around by a number and ends with 90, what number did they count by?

I’ll restate the problem, Mr. Yamata’s class has 18 students. If the class counts around by a number and ends with 90, what number did they count by?

Does anyone on the board have an answer? 5. And may I ask madam, how did you come up with that answer?

You know why? Because that’s what makes sense, right? That’s the way we were taught to do it on the 4th grade level.

This however, is what the common core standards expect our 4th graders to do. If they solve it in those two steps they get it marked wrong.

They are expected to draw 18 circles with 90 hash marks, solving this problem in exactly 108 steps.

Board members, this is not rigorous. This is not college ready. This is not preparing our children to compete in the global economy.

Skipping rote memorization of of multiplication tables is hindering their ability to master long division and fractions later on in the semester and now our children who were testing in the 80th or higher percentile in math last year are now coming home with C’s, D’s and F’s on their report cards.

Not because as Arne Duncan would put it that white suburban mothers think their children aren’t as brilliant as they thought they were but because… [cut off being over 3mins] Thank you

I encourage you to listen to us when we send you our emails, despite the comments that were made by our chairperson here today.

Our concerns are not based on hysteria or propaganda; they are based on fact and we are prepared to present those facts.

Can you see the trembling in my voice?

Parents have not had a voice here and you need to listen to our concerns. We are moving forward with our legislature to make some very serious changes to this; and all I ask is that you bend your ear and take us seriously.

We are college educated parents. I come to you with 12 years of college education and a former member of the national Honor Society, when I tell you this is not working and it’s not what they told you it would be.

We will save the privacy concerns and the testing concerns for our legislature; but when it comes to standards, that’s your ball court and we need you to help us with this; because this program is dumbing our children down.

Thank you.


Living Simply So Others May Simply Live

Filed under: Food,Humor,Mundane Or Sublime,News,Tech — admin @ 1:46 pm

I saw two minutes of an infomercial back in the day about installing copper tubing or plastic tubing for your automatic ice maker.


“If you don’t like that skunky taste your ice cubes might give off you can buy one of our in-line filters…”


My response is if you really don’t like the skunky ice cubes you can finish off all the meats in your freezer and stop buying more meat than you can eat in 2 or  3 meals!




Free CD — Last year’s entire 18 song Christmas record!

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture — admin @ 3:00 pm

Hi all,
Last year I engineered and mastered a Christmas record that I was quite happy with. I printed my own jewelcases, and mass produced hundreds of copies and passed them out to everyone I knew personally the weeks leading up to Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa.

I thought of doing the same thing this year; but suddenly decided, “maybe instead I’ll just print up download cards.”

So I’ve placed the entire CD, 18 songs and color .PDF album cover as one big .zip file.



Here’s where you can get it for free:

You simply download the file, unzip/unpack and burn to a blank cdr, print out the artwork and fold it into a holder for your CD. Then play the thing in your car, media center or stereo or right there on your laptop.

And of course these days if you don’t even feel like printing a CDR you can just make a playlist on your phone or ipod with the MP3’s themself.



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