Muffin Bottoms [not] Just another WordPress weblog


UPDATE: (Can’t believe I left something this crucial out 6 years ago!)

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,News,Poetics,Tech — admin @ 4:05 pm

Holy wah. 6 years ago I forgot to include the actual link to the music video of a song so people had to find it on their own.


Lo siento, desculpa me.



So here’s an explication:


The story behind “Chiapaneca,” a song. (Girl From Chiapas) – a Flamenco/Huapango mix.

It is December 22, 1997. A paramilitary group called “Paz y Justicia” rapes and murders dozens of women and children at a prayer meeting in Acteal, Chenalho, Chiapas. One paramilitary chooses to leave. He picks up a little girl, Marcela saving her from harm. But later he is found out in the act of helping her escape to the neighboring village and they hang him after much torture. Aggressively they search for little Marcela but give up after a time. There are other witnesses they weren’t able to kill. Undetected, a young guitarist sits in the bushes; waiting for them to leave. He remembers everything he has seen.


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Track List for Marc Frucht’s Free 2012 Christmas CD

Christmas Rekkid,
a Free CD by Marco Frucht

Track List:

1) Intro Eastern Point Beach
2) Anarcho Jazzm Arch (A March)
3) Old Folksinger
4) Ziggy’s Little Drummer Boy
5) Completely Different
6) Burma Shave
7) Roll In My Sweet Baby’s Arms
8) Bunion
9) How Come (You Do Me Like You Do)
10) It’s Beginning To Look A Lot (Like Xmas)
11) Is This Thing On
12) Chiapaneca
13) Frybread
14) Little Things
15) Swedish Folk Song
16) Manitou
17) Love Me For My Heart
18) Verseless Song

Full description at:

Free CD — Last year’s entire 18 song Christmas record!


Ethnomusicology Museum – 30 Task Cards – Each One Essentially a Lesson Plan…


Classroom Museum

Marc Frucht


Task Card 1





Make an ocarina out of clay.

Several webpages and youtubes give instructions how.

You’ll just need non-toxic clay, paper to put down for neatness and something pointy to make holes with.

As you’re embellishing it you could refer to the book, “Music Before Columbus” to see many instruments that seemed to resemble pan flutes, ocarinas and rattles. Some of these technologies will not have changed much in 40,000 years so you won’t be just imagining it as you complete this that you’re in touch with a process that is quite ancient.


Skill Activity:



Find evidence of musical styles and inspirations that existed in North America prior to the famous Christopher Columbus voyages.

Use primary and secondary sources while attempting to discover what instruments will have been constructed from the resources available in the Americas.

One resource on hand in the classroom is Samuel Marti’s “Music Before Columbus.”

Many of your other primary and secondary sources will have to be found online.

This museum has some other books that might be worth exploring too.







Conduct research for the same evidence of musical instruments and styles in Italy and Spain.

Craft a persuasive essay claiming Italy or Spain influenced America’s music.

Craft another one saying the exact opposite that the Americas influenced Europe.

Support this with deeper evidence than what you’ll find at Wikipedia.

(although Wiki is allowed as a starting point for this exercise.)

For example you will find ancient ocarinas mentioned all over Europe and Asia.

Here’s one in China:

Did China get this from the Americas so very long ago? Or was it the other way around? Perhaps they each came up with this without knowing each other at all. Explore the same possibilities for Spain and the Americas.


[Key Entry Point: Bridging]

[Extra Gardner Intelligences: Existential, Mathematical, Kinesthetic and Spatial]

[Blooms: Creating, Evaluating, Applying, Understanding]


Task Card 2





Enrichment Activity:

What do you already know about the Underground Railroad?

Watch a snippet of Reading Rainbow’s 11th season episode six about slavery in America.

On one sheet of paper write down any new facts that you learned from this video that you did not already know.

Next, include some of the things you already knew afterwards.

Lastly, brainstorm a few things you would like to know more about this topic.

Skill Activity:


Search for evidence of the historical Peg Leg Joe in addition to claims that he never existed in real life, but was just a legend.

A good place you can begin your research is at the following website:

You can also search for the following keywords:


Drinking Gourd

Harriet Tubman

Peg Leg Joe

Underground Railroad


Make your own graphic organizer by drawing a T-Bar down a single sheet of paper. You can label one side Real but the other side Legend, and organize all your evidence to one side or the other.






Are you ready for one of the most unusual but enjoyable short research projects you’ve ever done in your life?


Using the melody from the old folksong “Follow The Drinking Gourd,” write some new lyrics based on this evidence of Peg Leg Joe.

He is only featured in the original song as “The Old Man,” so you can keep calling him that, or call him Peg Leg, Mr. Peg Leg, Mr. Joe, or whatever fits to the beat of the song. It is totally up to you.

There are many versions of this song you can find. You’re welcome to use mine free of charge.

The new lyrics you make will basically become a brand new song. Your exit ticket is to sing the new lyrics or say them somewhat poetically.


[Key Entry Point: Understanding]

[Extra Gardners: Existential, Mathematical, Body/Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Applying, Creating, Evaluating, Understanding]


Task Card 3








Make a short biographical paragraph about your favorite contemporary musical artist.

Find out about an old, dead and nearly forgotten musician and do the same.

Now compare and contrast the two.

This will hit the added “synthesizing” from Bloom’s Taxonomy but it will also have you appreciating where music comes from and where it might go.

Creativity is the limit if you hold strictly to the theories, but it’s the sky when you think about it, and music stretches across all of them and everywhere else.






Skill Activity:



Using Internet tools find out about Rock Star Brian May, the lead guitarist of Queen,

Gather information about what he’s been studying, and what school gave him a PHD in Astrophysics.

Compose a small moment story about the astrophysicist who became a rock star.

But replace yourself in as the main character as if you were Brian May.

Essentially you will drop out of college in the middle of your thesis to become a rock star and tour the world and then go back to complete it after your band has already made it.









List one specific thing you want to be when you grow up.

(It’s just fine if it was something different even yesterday or maybe you’ll change tomorrow.)

Try to remember some other things you always wanted to be. There were probably many.

Using just internet searching try to find some ways that you can be at least two more things besides your main choice at the same time.

Create a simple text file listing the 3+ things you want to be when you grow up.

Next to each one list at least two ways it’s possible.

Now in one paragraph or less at the bottom of the same text file, title it “Action Plan,” and simply state how you’re going to become at least three different things when you grow up.


[Extra Gardners: Existential, Intrapersonal]   [Blooms: Creating, Remembering, Understanding]




Task Card 4





Enrichment: (Short Answer Questions.)


Watch Rhiannon Giddens sing “Black Is the Color”

How many musical instruments can you identify.

What musical styles do you think you hear Rhiannon’s band interpreting?

Do you consider this an old song or a new one?

If you’ve ever heard this song before, how is Rhiannon Giddens’ version different and how is it the same?




Skill Activity:


Listen to Storycorps’  “Keeping Family Traditions Alive.”

Write a small moment from your life into an essay that might be worth “voicing over” a StoryCorps podcast someday.

Perhaps write about how your own family keep some of your traditions alive.

Here’s the beauty of NPR’s Storycorps van going around the nation empowering people to become recorders:

The story can be as complicated or easy as you wish it to be. Yes, it can be about a turtle you saved from getting squashed by a car once, or it could be about a dad attending his daughter’s kindergarten class as a surprise because he’s home from the war.

Surely something that’s happened in your life so far can be something you might want to “tell the whole world” with the help of the StoryCorps van.





Start from the same Storycorps’ “Keeping Family Traditions Alive,” from the Skill Activity.

Now using an iPad, record and edit a StoryCorp-styled podcast of a small moment from your life.

Interview yourself, or a friend, or have a friend interview you.

You might want to script it yourself, or at least start from a one-page organizer.

For instance, I’ve been trying to talk my mom into letting me record her telling about the time when she was in her Junior year of High School and her date to the prom was Billy Martin from the New York Yankees.



[Key Entry Point: Authentic Problems]

[Extra Gardners: Existential, Mathematical, Body/Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Applying, Creating, Evaluating, Remembering, Understanding]



Task Card 5









Build a paper plate or papier Mache mask and teach yourself a circle dance similar to one that False Face Societies have done for thousands of years.

(Caveat/Warning: Be careful to keep this from being in a mocking way. We are trying to get a feel for what they do rather than steal their ritual or religious beliefs.)

There are plenty of tutorials on how to make a mask online. Sample a few and find one you can make most easily.

Good keywords to start with for the dances are, “medicine mask dance,” or “Iroquois dances.”

One challenge you will face is that you will find many more images of these than videos. The more traditional dances tend to forbid filming.

Yes, you may blend stomp dances and smoke dances to get an idea of what the same groups do. And then totally use your imagination how your mask will dance based on how you created it. Your role is to be the arms and legs of this mask as it travels time and space. Get it?






Skill Activity


Watch 29Oct15 Time For Kids video about Niizhoo (nee-shoo) Sullivan, 11, who loves to sing.

Niizhoo (nee-shoo) Sullivan, 11, loves to sing. He’s the lead singer of the drum group Hay Creek.

He has won several singing competitions. Niizhoo’s family lives in northern Wisconsin on an Ojibwe reservation.

Read the full article about Native singers and dancers if your school provides it.

On a piece of writing paper generate five fast facts from the video.

(For example, I noticed an ancient stick being used as a boom stand for a microphone by probably a proud dad or uncle. My first thought was “that’s so ghetto,” but then I realized with the microphone it is a perfect blend of the modern and the ancient all together in one place and time.









Take a Google Maps journey to Wisconsin where Niizhoo lives.

Learn some fast facts about his tribe but also some of the other tribes in his state.

You can start with Oneida, Menominee and Potawatomi to be sure.

There are many tribes represented around Wisconsin.


Build a graph showing Tribal names and the differences and similarities represented.





Anything Else






Anyone Else


[Key Entry Point: Talent Development]

[Extra Gardners: Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Creating, Evaluating, Remembering]


Task Card 6






Watch a short video of someone playing a wineglass harp.


Because rubbing the glass takes so much practice you will be making a simpler version of this harp where you’ll tap lightly with a pencil.

Use differing amounts of water to have each container give a different “pitch.”

Write some notes from remembering or replaying the video.

Did the different amounts of water seem to make sounds higher or lower?

Did you have to hit hard to make a sound?



Skill/Activity: Construct a Wineglass Harp


Materials: 8 Beakers, test tubes or glass bottles. Water. Unsharpened pencils.

Fill each of the eight beakers or glasses with different amounts of water.

Experiment by tapping lightly on several glasses, getting familiar with whether larger or smaller amounts give a higher or lower note.

Stop there.

That is as far as this activity will go. Give yourself a mini-lesson online looking up pitch’s relationship to size in all musical instruments.

You’ll see that this applies to everything from church pipe organs to drums and everything in between.





Predict whether to line up the eight “notes” from full to empty, organizing it in a sensible way.

Make any necessary adjustments after tapping several glasses.

Now using 3 or more of the glasses find your way to something resembling a simple melody such as “Mary Had a Little Lamb”

or “This Old Man.”

One more adjustment: if you sense that one or more notes were much too high or low, try adding and subtracting water until it’s close.

Voila! You’ve constructed another musical instrument.


[Key Entry Point: Talent]

[Extra Gardners: Mathematical, Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Creating, Evaluating, Applying]





Task Card 7








Watch a 4 minute snippet of the “Mary Mack” segment of PBS for Kids’ show “Lomax the Hound of Music.”

This hundred year old song began in Virginia and spread all over the nation memorized as a skipping song for a long time before it was ever written down.

Playground rhymes like this are some of the earliest inspirations for Hip Hop music.

List as many other Skipping songs, playground rhymes and jump rope tunes as you can from memory.

Conduct a web search for even more. Some of them were inspired by military cadences, so you could add the keyword “cadence,” to ones such as “jump rope” or “playground.”




Skill Activity:



The song “Mary Mack” is all about movement and beat; and this is why it made a great jump rope song.

It was also perfect for Rap and Hip-hop as the video’s elephant character Lil’ P-Nutt explained.

Make your own personal chalk-talk on a portable whiteboard by listing any other jump rope or skipping songs you remember from when you were young.

If you don’t remember titles you can try to search for them on the web.

Organize half a dozen or so by how much rhyme you see and how much rhythm you can feel.

Next you can pick one or two to make into a freeform rap. Either write them the same way and experiment out loud how you would sing them, or change the words around to suit the newer form.








Record your rap from the previous skill activity to iPad.

You will need to be good at Garage Band or iMovie.

There are tutorials galore online.

Teacher knows PC recording tools better so he can help you on a chrome book,

but if you already know iPad, go for it.



[Extra Credit: 1) Teach the teacher iMovie 2) Teach a classmate. 3) Present rap to whole class.]


[Key Entry Point: Exploration]

[Extra Gardners: Linguistic, Body/Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Creating, Remembering, Applying]







Task Card 8





Measure all the strings of a guitar. Length and width count.

(I suggest using an electric guitar or a steel string acoustic, because three of the strings on a classical guitar will vary from this and add confusion.)

Listen and compare to see if both length and width correspond to pitch and tone.

In other words, does each string have a lower or higher sound?

Does it sound fatter or thinner?

Is there any difference in volume or how long the string sustains after you pluck it once?

[Further Study. If you happen to find this fascinating, do a search in your spare time for the longstanding argument over 432hz tuning versus 440hz to acquaint yourself with this compelling difference of opinion. Some of the answers might be rooted in music therapy and have implications with psychology and medical fields.]



Skill Activity:


How are guitars and pianos similar and different.

Draw a simple sketch of the shape of a guitar. (a stick figure will work just find)

Search internet to find the following items and label them nearest to where they should be on a common guitar.


Soundhole or Pickup


Tuning Peg

Anything else you can fit on the diagram.

Now research online to find five basic parts of a Piano.

Compose a short paragraph describing as many similarities and differences as you can find.







Design just the hit points and lives for a video game where the following two characters go to war against each other.

One character is a guitar. Give him/her a name and use the Skill Activity from this card to come up with some criteria for points.

Do the same for a piano. What is his or her name? Does s/he have some of the same hit points? Are some higher/lower?

Now predict an outcome.

[Extended project suggestions. 1) If already skilled at Visual Basic, Java, etc., go ahead and build the game. 2) Write a persuasive essay to send to an already established gaming company suggesting your game. 3) Can you think of a way to make this same thing into a board game?]


[Key Entry Point: Exploration]

[Extra Gardners: Mathematical, Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Creating, Analyzing, Evaluating, Applying]





Task Card 9






Using the Online CIA Fact book learn some fast facts about Brazil’s people and culture.

I recommend using the keyword “introduction” in your first few searches, or they tend to take you right to the nitty gritty of all things “war and peace.”

Now give yourself a mini lesson on Carnival elsewhere on the Internet.


Some good places to start are:






Skill Activity:


Find footage of the Sesame Street float in the Macy’s parade.

Do you think Big Bird’s costume is inspired by Brazilian costumes? Yes or no, and why?


Here’s Macy’s 2010 for instance:


And here is some footage of Carnival


Do you think there was more preparation for the Macy’s parade each year or Carnival?

Which do you like better, and why?

Traditional essay. This is a good one to use lots of sound and color words. Also, be on the lookout for metaphors.





Project/Product: Compare and contrast Carnival and the Macy’s Day annual.



Find a pen pal in the Dominican Republic, Kurdistan or a faraway place of your choosing.

Here’s one of many places you can start:

Learn everything you can about his/her culture and discuss.

Tell them your favorite singer and ask if they have favorites.

Ask about music but also festivals and dances, foods, clothing, everything.

Search for as many similarities as possible.

Thanks to the Internet our two cultures have influenced each other in so many ways over the years.



[Further study suggestions. 1) Online tour of Ballard Museum of Puppetry.

2) Virtual field trip. Find reservations and Indigenous tribes nearest to your school.

Make a list of dates, times and frequency of PowWows and community socials. ]


[Key Entry Point: Understanding]

[Extra Gardners: Existential, Mathematical, Intrapersonal Interpersonal]   [Blooms: Evaluating, Applying, Understanding]



Task Card 10








First, watch 40 seconds of Gabra womenfolk singing

Next watch snippets of a Gabra shepherd boy from David Mayberry Lewis’ Poor Man Shames Us All.

48:06-49:00 camel dance

49:13-50:00 do you like my song?

Lastly, just ponder the concept of giving a song away to someone for free.








Goal: try for 3 levels of compare/contrast: Gabra versus. NYC., African music vs. American music and more specifically traditional music vs. popular music.

Just make notes of these “C&C’s.” It doesn’t have to be a formal essay.

Watch an advertising agency spending millions of dollars creating a jingle that was co-written by Ray Charles.

50:04  In NY songs are not for giving they are for selling.

Hundreds of singers and bands were invited to make music to those words.

They were paid well even if their music wasn’t used in the ad.

The first of many ads premiered during the commercial break of the Super Bowl XXV.

Action: Write a few words requesting people purchase camel milk from a family in Gabra because they’re very nice.

Now see if they can fit right onto one of the many ads already made.








Teach yourself how to remove vocals from a song using the recording tools app Audacity.

There are many tutorials online. (for instance:

Take the vocals out of “You got the right one baby, uh huh.”

50:12 of “A Poor Man Shames Us All”

Quickly jot down some lyrics that could seem like an ad for camel milk.

Either sing or speak a track over the music persuading people to buy camel milk from the Gabra family you previously studied because they’re so nice.


[Key Entry Point: Bridging]

[Extra Gardners: Existential, Mathematical, Kinesthetic and Spatial]   [Blooms: Creating, Evaluating, Applying, Understanding, Remembering]




Music Hits All 9 of Howard Gardner’s Intelligences?

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Poetics,Tech — admin @ 6:05 pm

So this one’s for Cathy McGriff:

Just How Does Music Hit All 8 of the Other Gardner Intelligences?

1. Naturalist: sensitivity to natural world features.
3. Logical-Mathematical: 32nd? 64th? 128th note. Think about the 8-bit computer chip!
4. Existential: Why are we… how’d we get here? Synthesizing idioms, metaphor, myth.
5. Interpersonal: Plays well with others. We be jammin!
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Fretboard logic, sound holes, air, pitch, breath.
7. Linguistic: Applying complex nuance, entendre, evaluating the inferred.
8. Intra-personal: Compare/Contrast self to others, community actualized.
9. Spatial: Analyzing time/space, abstract and concrete. Reasoning on the fly.


Getting Kids to Love Love Love Reading!

Filed under: Academic,Music and Stuff,Tech — admin @ 12:25 pm

How Do We Go Beyond Instilling a Love of Reading toward Sustaining It as a Habit for the Lifelong Learner?

by Marc Frucht


“Kids will learn reading skills in school, but often they come to associate reading with work, not pleasure.  As a result, they lose their desire to read. And it is that desire—the curiosity and interest—that is the cornerstone to using reading and related skills successfully.”

RIF. Reading Is Fundamental [Getting Your Child…]


Just how can we keep young people so excited about reading that they never want to stop? When I grew up reading was such a central part of my family’s culture that my sister and I were asking to read right from the beginning; but it’s been my observation that many kids feel like reading is such a chore that they come to dislike it from an early age. In fact, I guest teach in many different schools and students everywhere are quite outspoken saying they “dread” and “hate” moments they are told to read something for content. I never felt that way but some of my own friends have. My parents subscribed to both the Hartford Courant and New London Day newspapers as well as half a dozen magazines. It was commonplace to see any of these in their hands around the house; but summers always saw my mom and dad sitting right next to each other in beach chairs reading sections of the papers or People magazine and conversing about it! At five or six years old, I wished to emulate them. As I look back on those times, I recognize that not only did my parents love to read, they had developed their own habits for reading during just about every spare moment they had. They went beyond that too in modeling the same thing for my sister and me.


Let’s explore some “tricks of the trade” for distilling a love of reading into a completely sustainable habit.

In Donalyn Miller’s “Education Week” magazine article entitled, “Five Teaching Tips for Helping Students Become ‘Wild Readers'” Miller lists five characteristics that students need modeled for them. They are dedicated reading time, self-selected reading material, shared books, reading plans and an acquired strong preference for certain genres, authors and topics as the


“It is necessary to model, explicitly teach, and reflect on students’ development of lifelong, avid (or, as I call them, “wild”) reading behaviors to ensure that students remain motivated, engaged readers.” [Donalyn]


She suggests encouraging students to keep a book with them at all times, essentially having it handy everywhere they go, creating customized “preview stacks” of books for each student in the classroom, and also promoting that the children read a book series now and then which establishes its own “schedule” since students will look forward to each next book.


Having words surrounding a young person’s environment can be helpful in sustaining the desire to read no matter what age the reader is. You might discuss everything from street signs to promotional signage for a store. This is a compelling way to keep young people curious. “A child cares a lot more about seeing the word ‘open’ when she knows she can play in the park,” says Sally Moomaw in her book “Get Ready To Read!” [Moomaw,132] With a baby or toddler, you can point to signs such as that park’s ‘Open’ sign, and just tell them what it says. Perhaps ask them what it says the next time he or she sees it. Then as they get older, you could ask some rather engaging questions about signage around them. Maybe ask them why the sign says ‘Open’ rather than ‘welcome’ or ‘come on in.’ While pumping gas, ask questions about the percentage of ethanol mixed with unleaded gasoline. This leads quickly to an inquiry as to just what ethanol is, and why a car needs both ethanol and gasoline instead of 100% ethanol. Let the child guess on their own that maybe 10% is the most flammability that will still work with today’s engines. As soon as you are near the Internet, you could ask him or her to look it up and make even more educated guesses. Without sounding too preachy, try to remind them that they are discovering all these things by reading. They love to read, right? One would hope so.


Moomaw’s book embraces Kindergarten and Pre-K; but some of her tips and suggestions apply to older children too. I have seen the “word wall” concept work just as well for fourth and fifth graders too so it’s not only for the lower elementary grades. The reader will never forget new vocabulary if they see the words right on the walls around them for a few days at a time. For the same reason it might even be helpful in middle school or high school years. I’ve certainly seen the UConn English and International Baccalaureate teachers at Fitch High School keep a column of newly acquired words on the white board for weeks at a time. “Environmental print serves as a wonderful example of using all parts of the environment as potential curriculum content to teach reading and writing.” [Moomaw,63]


Dan Rearick at Preston Veterans elementary school utilizes word walls and book nooks and the other usual fare to keep his 4th graders engaged; but he also does something I haven’t seen in any other schools yet. Years ago, he brought three large trophies in from home that he keeps on a mantle throughout the year. They are three different sizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. His students compete on how many books they have devoured but also on how compelling their short essays are as they review each book. He judges all of that periodically and once a month places three new names on the trophies. When I have subbed in his classes, the kids always ask to read when they completed each task while waiting for their classmates to catch up. None of them need to be assigned SSR (sustained silent reading) time and they need no reminders to look for new books. Their desks are busy with everything from “Captain Underpants” to “Harry Potter” and books of all page counts in between.


On a website called a writer named Jessica Dang published a tip that I simply must include from this paper even though the current wisdom says never cite someone from his or her own personal web page.


“5. Balance and diversify. Almost everyone has a subject/genre that they are really interested in. It doesn’t have to be an ‘academic’ subject either. Whatever it is, choose it and read as many books as you can find about it.” [Dang] She also recommends balancing “depth and breadth” by picking up a random book once in a while from a different genre and reading the first couple pages just to see if that genre interests you as well. She then sums up all her tips saying, “…try not to think of reading as a chore. It’s not homework. It’s not work at all. It expands your horizons, pushes your imagination and can change your life.” [Dang]


Feeding an obsession over a topic or genre sounds like a wonderful way to keep a student reading more and more books. I recall fondly when I was in elementary school that no one ever needed to talk me into reading about soccer, baseball or guitar. These were my personal enthusiastic fascinations and I can tell you the Biography section of every library was my home away from home. I wanted to know so much more about Pele, Carlton Fisk and Jimi Hendrix than any one library or bookstore could tell me, that’s for sure. Occasionally, my mom would have make suggestions such as reading about Arthur Ashe’s tennis career or Albert Schweitzer’s piano playing in an attempt to nudge me just a little bit wider from my obsessions. In addition, my dad was always surprising us by insisting I read “Little Women,” or that my sister had to leave the “Nancy Drew” books for a little while to try just one from my “Hardy Boys” collection no matter how “icky” she assumed they were going to be.  I might digress a tiny bit to mention anecdotally that my parents were among the last generation of American homeowners to answer their door for an Encyclopedia salesman and actually follow through by purchasing one alphabet letter each month. On rainy weekends if I told my dad I was bored with all the other possibilities around the house he often picked a random page number and letter name and told me to read a full page and get ready for an informal quiz. I’ll never know how he got me to believe that would be fun. I think I just looked forward to him showing me where I was right and wrong.


Now, a song lyric caught my eye at while I was researching this paper.


“Make Reading a Habit” by Ben and Elizabeth Stiefel


The very best thing that you can do

If you wanna do great in school, it’s true

Take some time each day

every single, silly, seriously, super n’ spectacular day

To read n’ read n’

Read n’ read n’

Read n’ read some more


The lyrics feel similar to “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught” from “South Pacific,” even before you listen the song’s audio track which they provide right there on their webpage in an embedded music player. An MP3 of the song itself might even serve as a tool teachers could use by playing a snippet before a “book talk” or a read aloud. I might even consider it for the beginning of a daily SSR timeslot since it would serve as its own mini pep-rally of sorts.


When discussing a long-sustained love of reading who can leave out LeVar Burton? Public Television’s “Reading Rainbow” series kept me engaged throughout my entire youth. Burton begins each show with inquiry questions about topics such as the Underground Railroad, or “How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World.” Then he pairs it with an entire book reads to the television audience. It had a 20 year run and trailed off a bit but now there’s a brand new revived series with a modern digital-age app that began less than a year ago. His group is currently working on moving all of the archives from PBS over to their very own webpage at Reading Rainbow’s success shows that children who dislike reading still love when someone reads to them.  Burton’s slogan “you don’t have to take *my* word for it,” will always gently nudge them toward reading things in a book for themselves. Often times the show ends with three or four similar books, the viewer can ask about if they want to teach themselves even more.


In her book, “Elementary Children’s Literature: Infancy through Age 13,” Nancy Anderson lists several specific “benefits children derive from reading and listening to books” as bullet points. I will include a few of them here:

  • Developing a favorable attitude toward books as an enrichment to their lives
  • Gaining new vocabulary and syntax
  • Becoming familiar with story and text structures
  • Stimulating and expanding their imaginations
  • Stretching attention spans
  • Developing an interest in new subjects and hobbies
  • Understanding the heritage of their own and other cultures
  • Learning new knowledge about nature
  • Bringing history to life [Anderson,19]


With these in mind, I would say it is plausible that reading obsessively boosts cognitive abilities and increases self-efficacy. The cliché “…more you know, the more you want to know,” seems apt here.


None of these tips alone will have someone identify as a habitual reader. Nevertheless, with many of these factors in play early in a young person’s life there is a greater chance they too will keep the reading habit forever.



Works Cited


Anderson, N. (2009). Elementary Children’s Literature: Infancy through Age 13 (Third ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Dang, J. (2010, August 1). 5 ways to kick start and feed your reading habit. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from

Donalyn, M. (2014, March 26). Five Teaching Tips for Helping Students Become ‘Wild Readers’ Retrieved May 8, 2015, from

Getting Your Child to Love Reading. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2015, from

Moomaw, S., & Hieronymus, B. (2006). Get ready to read!: Making child care work for you. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press.

Stiefel, B., & Stiefel, E. (2012). Make Reading a Habit: Song For Teaching About the Importance of Reading. Retrieved May 8, 2015, from


New London’s 5th Annual Youth Talent Show Is Going To Be Sooooo Awesome!

Filed under: Academic,Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 pm
This just in from The New London Youth Talent Show


The results are in. Thank you all! It was tough, but the search is over.

We are excited for this year and promise an EPIC showcase!

Be sure to tell your friends and family! Bring joy this Holiday season. Tickets go on sale SOON!


1) William Nieves

2) Denny Ward

3) Eric Jones

4) Kairo Castillo

5) Lions Den

6) Jeni Flo Band

7) Ryder Singer-Johnson

8) Dance Infusion

9) Sara Coley

10) Moe Steele

11) Caroline Tanner

12) Jonas Picinich

13) Todd Belcher

14) Naomi Jones

15) Zak Ackart

16) CJ Thibeau

17) Juan Moscol

18) Anna Dozier

19) Carlos Rosario

20) Andrew Barnes

21) Ramon Mendez

22) Sara Maynara

23) Michael Okoasia **

24) Iyanla Page

25) Casey Flax

26) Rebecca Reyes

27) Rhythm ‘n Sync

28) Miquel DeJesus

29) Zionna Williams

30) Brian Johnson

31) Mykela Parker

32) Maria Bonanno

33) Joseph Salcedo

34) Ra’anna Clark

35) Serenity Davies

36) Kathianna Celestin

37) Aliyah Slater

38) Dina Erie

39) Crystaliz Sanchez

40) Brianna Brown

41) Kathy Liz

This show is going to be so off the chain, over the top, other worldly, out of the park, amazingly wild and wow, what else to say that begins with a “w” or an “o” did I say Wow? Yeah, wow, just wow.


The Boy Who Said, “Monk.”

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Tech — admin @ 8:01 am

The Boy Who Said “Monk!”  record3

A Connecticut K-5 school. I’m on a three-day assignment in Special Ed. Several one-on-ones with students who have a schedule of tiered RTI pull-outs from their regular classes. A little pre-schooler I won’t name of course comes every day for a morning hour and an additional afternoon on Fridays. I have him Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They’ve tagged him as nonverbal and on watch for mutism. I was asked to write down any grunt or giggle I might hear if possible. Even if it’s just positive response to something I’ve said or done and you almost hear a snortle or something.

First two mornings there was nothing, but he was very cheery and happy to comply with each and every change in structured play. Each day in between tasks I sang a capella to him or got my guitar and played him an instrumental flamenco piece. Each morning I read him a cardboard book entitled, “Five Little Monkeys” and he really seemed to like that.

So Friday morning I made up a song about the 5 little monkeys book before reading it to him and asked if he wanted us to read it together and he looked at me plain as day and said, “monk!” Yes, I nearly jumped out of my own skin.

I said, “Wait, did you just say “monkeys?” and he didn’t say another word, just grinned and puffed out his chest.
Then I read him the book and he smiled the whole time.

Then I had one more hour in the afternoon and it turned out it was after his class had a music special. He walked in, waved goodbye to his para professional and pointed at the boom box on the floor. So I turned it on and he sat on the floor repeating “wheels on the bus” and “heads shoulders knees and toes” over and over for most of the hour.


CEREMONY: NAMA15 Realtime Hilites From the ATIZINE LiveTweet.

Filed under: Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 am



CEREMONY: Donating Some More Journalism Skills to the Native American Music Awards

By marco capelli frucht

[inline] [/inline]  silenceisaweapon-laptop-blackfiresticker2

So here’s my reverse chronology rundown of the Nammys last night. Their 15th annual. 

There were a couple glitches at the beginning of the show from the webstream’s point of view but overall it went really great. This is the first year they’ve managed to include anyone else anywhere else in the world who wanted to watch the Ceremony from afar. I’m really psyched about how well it went, and what an artifact it’s now become thanks to the people at Livestream, SingleFeather, and FNXdotOrg. Yippie!

Congrats to Tribe @atribecalledred for their Best Music Video win at the nammys! capelli @atizine · 10h10 hours ago
So I missed @raphaeldeas presenting and I missed Village People shouting out the pop category. What else did I miss?
@atizine Here’s a link where you can scroll fwd/bkwd and see anything you might’ve missed earlier 2nite: …

· 10h10 hours ago
BTW: I think Livestream’s company has plenty of bandwidth to archive shows so it’s probably going to be an “artifact” now. 🙂
· 10h10 hours ago
And my sistah from anuddah mother, Janice Marie Johnson closes the show. #nama #nammys
Kelly Montijo Fink and John Kane presenting the next one… #nama #nammys #nammy

More capelli @atizine · 11h11 hours ago
@4JayMichael You’re welcome! So happy I can help out even a little bit from afar. I’ve been there backstage for so many other ones.
· 11h11 hours ago
It is so absolutely neato keen and awesomely wonderful to see @theplateros joining Indigenous. Now that’s rock n roll. Have Mercy! 
· 11h11 hours ago
@mwalim brings the music a capella to introduce Charly Lowry and DarkWater Rising. Wow.
Best Rock Recording goes to the Ollivanders #nama #nammy #nammys
Sihasin about to perform one of their songs. I think Woody Guthrie’s “Mean Things” is gonna be one of ’em. 🙂
Ryan Little Eagle Molina takes Best Instrumental Recording Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “The Long Journey Home.”
More · 11h11 hours ago
Janice Marie, how’s the lights for you. Too bright? Not bright enough? 😛 That’s right, boogie oogie oogie. Good work grrl!

Nama gives a guitar away. Weall usually sign it the night b4. It’s always a fundraiser for great things. Vets, heating fuel, antisuicide…
· 12h12 hours ago
Joanne @JoShenandoah‘s daughter Leah performs one of her songs at NAMA15. 14nov14 🙂
· 12h12 hours ago
Dark Water Running and Jimmy Wolf win Nammys. Couldn’t write fast enough for provenance. I’ll get the specifics asap.
· 12h12 hours ago
Sihasin takes the Debut Group Of The Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Never Surrender!” Yippie!

More· 12h12 hours ago
Tracy Bone takes the Best Country Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys Yippie!
@raphaeldeas @NativeAwards I think it’s 15lbs, Raphael, but I know whatcha mean!
@Edko5871 See what I mean? Edko’s houseband’s jam right now sounds like Eagles’ I can’t tell you why, meets Ted Nugent’s Stranglehold… Show @NAMCountdown · 15h15 hours ago
Good luck to everyone at the #NAMA‘s! Happy 15th Anniversary!
· 12h12 hours ago
@Edko5871 provides the house band for each annual #nammys – These guys are selfless and amazingly talented! So proud to call them friend
· 12h12 hours ago
FNX, First Nations Experience provides this brand new #nammys live webstream along with Mikey Kickingbear Johnson’s SingleFeather Media.
Samantha Eldridge @DCSamantha · 21h21 hours ago
Don’t have plans tonight? Watch the live stream of the 15th Annual Native American Music Awards @ 8:00 PM EST #NAMA
marco capelli retweeted Arts @ICTMN_Arts · 13h13 hours ago
Are you watching? Native American Music Awards #NAMA streaming live right now on @FNXTV link: 
marco capelli retweeted Waln @FrankWaln · 5 Nov 2012
My beats were winning awards before I was. #Nammys Best Producer 2010 Best Rap/Hip Hop Recording 2011 
Bobby Richardson @ColdWinterWind · 10 May 2013
ME!! RT @delschilling: Who is watching the #NAMMYS ? 
Ed Koban @Edko5871 · Apr 5
Please visit my band page and click like. We appreciate your support. #EKG #FUMSE #nammys #NAMA #edko 
· 12h12 hours ago
And what’s Jim Boyd do in addition to giving an acceptance speech? Carries out his geetar and plays for us. Yippie! @atizine
View conversation

· 12h12 hours ago
Jim Boyd gets “rekonized” at the 15th Nammys. Hard medicine; good medicine. Janice Marie Johnson hands Jim the Lifetime Achievement award.
· 13h13 hours ago
Leah Shenandoah takes the Debut Artist Of the Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for her rekkid “Spektra.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Indigenous wins the Best Blues Recording #Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Vanishing Americans.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Buddy Big Mountain & his little friend intros the next performer, Jan Michael Looking Wolf at the 15th annual #nammys

· 13h13 hours ago
The Tribe wins the Best Pow Wow Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Stoic.”

14h14 hours ago
@DylanJenet onstage this second presenting!!! Best Pow Wow Recording. Who might get it! #nama #nammys #nammy

· 14h14 hours ago
“Indian Honkytonk Wonder Woman.” — One of the Superkids jammin live this sec w/ Wayne Silas, Jr. Menom & Oneida represent! @KarlaCarolAnn
View conversation
· 14h14 hours ago
Spirit of Thunderheart wins the Best Traditional Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Rising.”

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@Edko5871 Boy, that’s a gorgious backline, what with the Mesa Boogies, Marshalls and Fenders and stuff. :) 
View conversation

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@dougbluefeather, are you watching the #nammys on the webstream? @NativeAwards

Dark Water Rising @DarkWaterRising · Nov 13
Layla Rose got all of us to take a #selfie. #GotSnow #Salamanca #NY #NAMMYS 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
Watching the native american music awards on the livestream. #nammys 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@tinselkorey @Nataanii_Means …
View conversation

marco capelli retweeted
Zalka Csenge Virág @TarkabarkaHolgy · Nov 13
Don’t know yet what I am teaching next semester, but #RebelMusic is going straight in the syllabus. #culturestudies

marco capelli retweeted
Tinsel Korey @tinselkorey · Nov 13
Watching @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means & @inezjasper on the big screen #RebelMusic @MTV #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth 
marco capelli retweeted
Alannah Begay @LongHair_DC · Nov 13
Inspiring and powerful video on behalf of @MTV . Native Country is alive and well! Represent. @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means@inezjasper

marco capelli retweeted Dani @xodanix3 · Nov 13
What I liked most about #RebelMusic was it showed Native Americans as human. Not as angry activist or stereotypes but as relateable ppl.

And here’s the complete list of winners:

Artist of the Year
Mato Nanji
Vanishing Americans

Best Blues Recording
Vanishing Americans

Best Compilation Recording
Don’t Let Me Forget
Kelly Montijo Fink

Best Country Recording
Woman Of Red
Tracy Bone

Debut Artist of the Year
Leah Shenandoah

Debut Group of the Year
Never Surrender

Best Female Artist
Rita Coolidge
A Rita Coolidge Christmas

Best Folk Recording
Keeper of the Dreams
Red Feather Woman

Flutist of the Year
Rona Yellowrobe
The Gathering

Best Inspirational Recording
Grace & Grit: Chapter I
Dark Water Rising

Group of the Year
Plenty Wolf Singers
Medicine Wolf

Best Historical/Linguistic Recording
Heart of the Buffalo
Richard Stepp & Rick McKee

Best Instrumental Recording
The Long Journey Home
Ryan Little Eagle Molina

Best Male Artist
Jimmy Wolf
A Tribute To Little Johnny Taylor

Best Native American Church Recording
Apache Peyote Songs
Joe Tohonnie Jr

Best New Age Recording
Rushingwind & Mucklow

Best Pop Recording
Day After Day
Jamie Coon

Best Pow Wow Recording
Tha Tribe

Best Producer
Kevin Chief
Honoring The Mazinikijik Singers

Best Rap Hip Hop Recording
One Tribe One Nation
The Council

Record of the Year
Romanze Songs of Tosti
Lawrence Harris

Best Rock Recording
Two Sons
The Ollivanders

Song of the Year
Witchi Tai-To – Water Spirits
Shadowyze, Caren Knight Pepper and Jim Pepper

Songwriter of the Year
Theresa “Bear” Fox

Best Spoken Word Recording
Grandfather Speaks
Ken Quiet Hawk

Best Traditional Recording
Spirit of Thunderheart

Best Music Video
Sisters ft Northern Voice
A Tribe Called Red

Best Waila Recording
In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Father & Uncle
Family Pride

Best World Music Recording
Nature Dance
Joanne Shenandoah

Native Heart
Lex Nichols
The Long Road

Lifetime Achievement
Jim Boyd



Asking Governor’s Promise He’ll Represent People Who Pay At The Pump

Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime,News,OpEd,Tech — admin @ 1:22 pm

This afternoon I gave our governor some data and asked him to do a favor similar to what Sam Gejdenson pulled off back when I was about 17 years old. He had managed to catch lots of gas gouging that caused southeastern CT to be the lowest wages and highest gas prices. Prices went down to something managable but crept back up little by little to where it is now once again New London County having some of the lowest wages in the state but the highest gas prices.


I was telecommuting in Muddy Waters eating one of their famous Love Salads when the Mayor, Governor and many other democrat cronies walked in to do some schmoozing at this the third of three local coffeehouse stops including BeanLeaf and Washington Street Cafe.

I wasn’t prepared to speak with him but I remembered this issue historically and would love to pose this question of everyone from him to Richard Blumenthal to Joe Courtney. And no, not just because they’re democrats. Mostly because it hurts.

Well the Governor begged to differ and said he thought Fairfield’s prices were 10 or 20 cents higher, and I sought compromise saying then that maybe Groton, NL, Wtfd have the lowest wages and the second highest gas prices in the state and he agreed to look into it.

So while he was schmoozing with everyone I buried myself back in my laptop and went right to one of those gasprices dot com sites to get him some data. Jotted them down on the back of a biz card and handed it off to one of his staffers asking him to get that data to him whenever things are less pressing. He obliged.


ANNOTATIONS: Marc Frucht’s American Songbag.

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:53 am

Here goes some “explication” about the two newest recordings I’ve mastered and edited up. Enjoy.
Recorded live from the soundboard at a Bonfire in Groton, CT.
I noticed while I was organizing these tunes that it kind of serves as the best kind of ethnomusicology lesson you could ever receive for free. Pro Bono, my gift to you. Call now, operators are standing by…

16th Century Greensleeves. (cover of a Ritchie Blackmore arrangement of a very old song)

Old Folksinger – by Merle Kessler, aka “Ian Shoales.”
Need a real audio of my studio version?

Other Side – Orig. Someone I was very sweet on turned to me one night and said, “why don’t you write a song about turquoise and silver and a pebble and a ring.” So I did.

Johnny B. Goode – Standard (played very non-standard)

Oh Boy – written by Sonny West, Bill Tilghman and Norman Petty. Made most famous by Buddy Holly

Hey Mon – Orig.

One Tin Soldier – Coven. Made most famous by the movie “Billy Jack.”

Little Things – Orig.

Wicked Wicked World. – Medley arranged by Marc Frucht. “Wicked World”
by Black Sabbath’s Ozzie Osbourne, “When The Levee Breaks” collected
folk style by Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page. Last verse Original.

Happened Just That Way – Roger Miller

Seminole Wind – John Anderson
Want to hear just a cute cover of it by a little girl named Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick? Neat how sometimes a song can be kept immortal by lots of people giving it some love!

Mary Had a William Goat – I learned this parody from Carl Sandburg’s publication “American Songbag.”

Merry Minuet – I first heard the Kingston Trio version of this song from my mom and dad’s massive record collection. It was written by

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes – from the Movie of the same name.
I’ve actually been asked to sing it a capella at movie premieres and stuff.

Dream On Again – You notice how they sing, “sing with me” and it’s a song written in like Fm7 with a flatted 9th in the bass, and it’s a key that only Bessie Smith can sing but she’s gotta warm up all opera style before she even tries to sing it?

Evil Ways – Carlos Santana

Milli Vanilla – I wrote this as a parody to the Poison song “Every Rose Has Its Thorn”

FUN song – from Sponge Bob Square Pants. Just don’t ask me to sing the Campfire song or “I Ripped My Pants.”

Blister In The Sun – Violent Femmes. Done as a medley together with “American Music” and “Free.” Proof that the Bodeans stole liberally from the Violent Femmes. J/K they’re all friends with each other.

Oh Freedom – medley. My version of Pete Seeger’s version of Odetta’s version of several ancient spirituals

Do Wacka Do – more Roger Miller

FryBread – Orig.

* Recordings engineered in Groton, CT by Andrew Barnes

Listen to the entire thing in two parts at:

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