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2014 THE YEAR THAT WAS: Journaling What FB’s Anniversary-Algorithm Left Out:

Filed under: Food,Humor,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Pop Culture — admin @ 5:18 pm

Happy Valentine’s Day, err’budd… I mean Groundhog day, ummm, I mean Polar Plunge day, or Solar Flare? Bipolar Hair day. Fred Astaire; Stroller Chair, everywhere. Yes, I mean that from the depths of my heart, top and bottom. So here’s a recap of my year. Much more in depth than the algorithm Facebook decided to share, although I did like the pictures they chose. But it definitely did not tell a complete “story.”

Another circle around the sun. Beauty before me, beauty behind me. Beauty under my feet, so I walk lightly, deliberately and with great care.

Winter NAMM. I didn’t go this year. Enough said. I’ll miss the new technology; I’m kind of take-it-or-leave-it with being surrounded by so many petentious snobs and so few peers and mentors who truly are the real deal…


The year mostly begins with my song “Frybread” getting picked up to be the theme song of a TV pilot. I got paid a little bit of money and if the show ends up seeing light of day (the percentages on these things are rather daunting…) I’ll see a bunch more and be able to say “you knew me when,” or something. Or something.

Anniversary of Ant Hamlin getting murdered in cold blood in front of New York Amtrak and then his body was dumped near Shewville Road out in North Stoningtonish, Prestonish, Grotonish. Yuck. I’m friends with his ex and many other friends of his and this hurt my feelings a lot. Facebook got this one right and collected up 4 pix of the ceremonies including a rose I kept on my dashboard until early summer and brought over to bury about where his body had been found.

27jan Pete Seeger died. I don’t even know where to start writing about that. I’ll wait for clearer words and a different venue to write that. I could go long! One of the best tributes was written by his friend David Amram who was with him the moment he died.

He wrote this just a day and a half ago, but almost a full year after Pete’s passing. Profound!

What else can I say about “Desiree Bassett sits in with Foghat at the Wolf Den,” but wow, just wow.

Bob Dylan did a car ad for the Superbowl and everyone gave him a hard time but me it seems. I must say it was a great ad.

Bob Dylan is a master creative, a creative genius and a genius musician, what more can I say. Does anyone out there feel just a little less venomous toward Mr. Dylan a full year out now? I sure do appreciate the guy.

4april can be summed up academically this way. So this week I watched Frozen three times and DrumLine four times. Yay!

In fact I’ll give you two perspectives of the same day back to back. Two different substitute teachers co-teaching the same students.
“I watched Frozen 3X & DrumLine 4X. 2day I’ll teach Quantum Theory & Linear Equations 2 Theater majors. Neat!” — Marco Frucht
“Any day can turn around: I am now getting paid to watch Drumline, speak Spanish, and have my hair braided by middle schoolers #love” — Carolyn Luby

I released a fully remastered and engineered cut of my EP “Poems For Roberta Blackgoat” in April too. You’ll remember it as the one I printed 150 copies of to give away at my Indian Summer Music Festival performance in Milwaukee last year. I had so much fun giving it away to not just radio stations and industry bigwigs but anyone I met who was considering whether they could afford the asking price on my commercial CD. “Here, have this free even if you can’t get my commercial CD,” I’d say, maybe you’ll get it some other day at iTunes or Amazon, right? I think I sold a total of 5 rekkids and gave away more than a hundred. Yay! Sometimes cash flow is not only less important than what else is going on, but not important at all.

No matter what else happens every April 12, this day will always be the time I was was beaten to within a 3-minute blackout of my life in Washington DC back in 2003. I was telling someone just the other day that one of the last big purchase items I got for myself from my out-of-court settlement was a $1500 memory foam bed. I have no regrets with that, and I joke that I’m actually thankful I was a victim of police brutality since I can sleep so well now.

2may the late Link Wray’s birthday.

Stevie Wonder got my friend Dylan Jenet Collins signed. That was my high point for the month of March I think. Just rooting for that young Native American rockstar!

10 may New London Konetiuk’s 4th annual Youth Talent Show. I’m their instrumental talent coach. Some amazing moments that day. No, many amazing moments that day!—garde-arts-center-10may14-full-Trk31cJbhY8.html

7june or so? Whalie Awards. Nominated for 2 or 3, win nothing. I will never win an award in New London because of people like, well I won’t name them there are 5 or 6 of them and they are very corrupt, very small minded and very self-centered not to mention big fishes in the littlest pond ever. Oh well, who cares. I don’t do this stuff for awards — nominations just tell me someone was thinking about me and makes my nose itch so I’m happy about that!

16june or so. I go to Hank’s Dairy Bar to see Noelle Smith. An amazing singer/songwriter who moved to North Carolina. Connecticut’s loss and America’s gain for sure.

21june I sing some of my zaniest renditions of my even crazier songs at the bonfire of a guy named Andrew and his wonderful family. Soooooo fun. I hope we do that again 3 or 400 more times next summer!

23june I get accepted to Sacred Heart on a full ride scholarship from the VocRehab section of the Veterans Administration. I should probably say that in allcaps. I GOT ACCEPTED TO SACRED HEART FOR GRAD SCHOOL! Wait, I should type it in allcaps but spaced out old gutenberg style, I’m just THAT excited about it.

I G O T A C C E P T E D T O S A C R E D H E A R T F O R G R A D S C H O O L !

Yeah, that was a highpoint in my year, perhaps my decade. I got rejected by UNH because they didn’t like my essay, and was feeling pretty terrible about that when the letter from SHU came in and patched it all up and made it better than better. Heck, I’ll say it, UNH is a horrible school anyhow. Their loss 😛

22junish Gabriel Ayala plays the National Anthem on a classical guitar at an Arizona Diamondbacks game. You could hear a pin drop! Wow.

26jun or so I drop off a single flower at the site where the murdered Ant Hamlin’s body had been dumped after someone killed him outside of Amtrak in downtown New London. His murder just like Mr. Spicer’s up the road from me here in groton remain unsolved from so long ago. Not among New London, Groton, Waterford submarine-capitol-of-the-world’s proudest moments, to be sure.

4th of July I publish Marc Frucht’s American Songbag. 🙂

ANNOTATIONS: Marc Frucht’s American Songbag.

12july my first A as a grad student. My bachelors degree did not even closely resemble these grades.

Jana’s movie starring alongside Lorenzo Lamas hits Walmart stores around the country. About the same time last year or so she managed to get onto Sony RED which my friend Tony helped start back in the day, and they agreed to some kind of distribution for her newest CD but when you walked into Walmart and BestBuy you had the clerk telling you it wasn’t present but you can order it. This time around I was able to walk right in the store and actual buy a copy of the DVD right on premises. Sooooo happy for Jana to be getting her artwork out there like that. She’s been working so hard in these industries!

Pauline Whitesinger dies. She was Roberta Blackgoats next door neighbor. (and by next door I mean half a mile down a fairly well graded dirt road) In the early 90’s I walked back and forth between those two house at least 5 dozen times. A couple times pickup trucks have pulled up and given me a ride half way there because a snowstorm had just begun that might have killed me before I got there. One time it was Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) cops that saved my life.

18aug – I sort of “ambush” the Governor GuerillaJournalist-Style at one of his openhouse town meeting forums in a coffeeshop to request that he bring gas prices down in southeastern CT since wages are so much lower in the parts of CT where gas prices are artifically low but wages are so much higher. I’ll never know if he brought the prices down two weeks later or if they did that on their own but it sure made some good press.

26aug my Making Wampum video gets to the 6000 hits mark which I’m happy about but I get a little suspicious. It seemed to climb really fast a couple days in a row. Looking for why the spike hit I discover that for one year this video had been included in an eBook by one of the CommonCore corporations outfitting schools with material they claim is better than what the schools are already using. Sort of a backhanded curriculum change without any reflection or deliberation on the school district’s part. Anyhew, state of New York school systems were using my homemade music Video as supplemental material to teach grade schoolers about NDN crafts in centuries past. I’m flattered and aggravated at the same time, to say the least.

9sep I find out that the makers of Duke Nukem video game have been using the .MID file of my song “Hey Mon” for years in their video games. They acquired it in a very “pirate” way from their own developers so I’ll never see a single penny from it, but I don’t care. I’m just happy to be able to say you can hear a melody that I wrote in some of the most popular singlepersonshooter games to ever hit computers prior to Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Combat and stuff, right? Ah, there’s a claim to fame I might not even tell too many people about, certainly not anyone under age 11 or so, yikes.

My coversong of the Violent Femmes’ coversong of Marc Bolan’s “Children Of The Revolution” gets shown for an entire month at a listening station in an art gallery as part of an installation at a national gallery in Sharjah, UAE. You get to hear my song in between ones by Joey Ramone and Aldous Huxley! I use an exclamation point there because this is way more exciting than it sounds.

30oct 4 years ago this day 6 teenagers killed my friend Matt Chew. That’s why I became a substitute teacher and that’s why I became an instrumental talent coach, to show young people all over my county that they can write a song, or sing along, or dance and shout or let it all hang out, instead of pulling a drive by or a beat down, right? Yupper and this led to the annual youth talent show that brings so much beauty out of and into New London!

9november I discover someone’s selling a used copy of my SOFFTY FASNFFTOF CD for almost 60 dollars online. I don’t know for sure yet but I think it’s a drop-shipper who hasn’t even purchased it yet but knows s/he can get it off of CDBaby anytime he needs to. If I ever see a penny from that transaction it will only be something like four-dollars-and-fifty-cents and there’s almost nothing I can do about it. This “recording industry” is dying a slow torturous twisted and sordid death and it’s killing off so many souls in the process. I refuse to care. I’m just flattered someone thought enough of my musical work to include it in his/her diabolical plans to take over his or her tiniest part of his world.

Janice Marie Johnson closes out the Nammys this year. I wasn’t able to go this year but was able to see the thing livestreamed on the web. Great stuff. My friends Clayson and Jeneda performed and got an award, so did the Plateros. Very happy for them. They get to tour as the Plateros now and also as part of the band Indigenous.

8oct. Educator Diane Ravitch speaks at Quinipiac college. That was major!



And sometime in early November I was the sole witness to a Kindergartner speaking for the first time. I won’t write much about it, but he was labelled with a nonverbal learning disability and was on watch for either Selective Mutism or full Mutism and I was supposed to lead in structured play and readalongs and make notes if I see him do even so much as a grunt or a snortle. Well since I’m not like your usual average “garden variety” substitute teacher I brought a guitar and played him some flamenco music three days in a row and sang to him a capella occasionally in between all the structured play. He had a favorite book called “Five Little Monkeys,” that I could read to him and point at pictures. I impovised my own little ditty to sing to him as the introduction of this book and then I’d ask if he wants to read it with me. The third day I did this he pointed at it and said, “Monk.” I nearly jumped out of my skin! “Did you just say “monkeys?” I asked him. He just puffed out his chest and grinned and said nothing else. So I read it to him and that’s all I’m going to say about that. It really was one of the “most high” moments I’ve experienced in 5 or 6 years, not just this past year!


13ish November my friend Frank Waln makes it onto MTV with a major project he’d been working diligently on. I’m amazed that MTV allowed such monumental ideas to be shared in one movie short. Not since Little Steven led the Sun City campaign, or maybe with “We Are The World” did that much “movement” happen!

Other November highpoints? Sihasin getting a NAMMY, Jones Benally getting a lifetime achievement award from the Heard Museum.

Please close the School of Americas no matter what name they’re giving WesternHemisphereInstituteForSecurityCooperation it’s still the School of Assassins. I’m embarrassed to be a patriotic American citizen having served in the US army signal corps with each new day that our tax dollars pay for us training paramilitary death squads like that. Look it up.

F I N A L E X A M S 🙁

(Translated from the Greco Roman to the English that means, “stress.”

2dec starts off the month AND THE FOLLOWING YEAR with auditions for the 5th annual New London Youth Talent Show coming up 13march (pi day by the way)

13dec Franc Gramz releases a CD to a fully sold out show at Hanafins Pub. I saw Dio Hanafin and his wife at a local Homegoods/Hardware store a few days later and he told me it was one of the best shows of his entire year, with his wife nodding in agreement the whole time.

Sometime between Thanksgiving and NewYears I found out online thanks to BlackBoard educational webapp that I managed to get 3 gradschool As and a B- at America’s most unaffordable college. My masters degree candidacy is more difficult, more stressful and rigorous all the while more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined it to be.

26dec My friend Tanya Tagac gets declared Canada’s best artist for 2014. Wow.

31dec – Noon. Save for eating dinner and other NYE stuff the very last thing I did this year was pretty neat. Late morning I get a call from DJ Dot who is the “Gramma” in Gramma’s attic. She’s had a last minute cancellation on her weekly TV show and can I come on and entertain TVland in one of those “Taped-Live” settings. Sure, when? Oh, a couple hours. I literally went home, got three guitars, tuned them up once quickly and scoured my room for several set-lists and cheat sheets because I knew I wouldn’t even have time to rehearse at all. I’ll stick to songs I know well. Yeah right. How did that work out for you? I had to cover for so many mistakes with humor that this show went from loose to fun to downright zany in less than 35 seconds. I hope that translates well to the upcoming show and isn’t too embarrassing for you. Or me!

Consequently, I had more fun entertaining on this show than I’ve had in any venue for years! The show airs in a few weeks and then I can start sharing movie shorts from it on vimeo or liveleak or something. Yay!

Happy GNU Year!

marco frucht
aka Marco Capelli
e&p atizine since 1988
Singer/Songwriter since well, since I’ve been singering and songwritering.

PS: THIS JUST IN!! 2015 begins with my dear friend Eric Lichter nominated for a New England Music Award as Producer Of The Year. Eric owns and operates Dirt Floor Recording Studio which is almost entirely an analog environment. If you want an easy comparison of just how wonderful analog equipment can sound with the right producer placing mics and engineering you, you can listen to his three productions on my commercial CD and then contrast them against most of the others.

Here are two to compare:


New London’s 5th Annual Youth Talent Show Is Going To Be Sooooo Awesome!

Filed under: Academic,Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 pm
This just in from The New London Youth Talent Show


The results are in. Thank you all! It was tough, but the search is over.

We are excited for this year and promise an EPIC showcase!

Be sure to tell your friends and family! Bring joy this Holiday season. Tickets go on sale SOON!


1) William Nieves

2) Denny Ward

3) Eric Jones

4) Kairo Castillo

5) Lions Den

6) Jeni Flo Band

7) Ryder Singer-Johnson

8) Dance Infusion

9) Sara Coley

10) Moe Steele

11) Caroline Tanner

12) Jonas Picinich

13) Todd Belcher

14) Naomi Jones

15) Zak Ackart

16) CJ Thibeau

17) Juan Moscol

18) Anna Dozier

19) Carlos Rosario

20) Andrew Barnes

21) Ramon Mendez

22) Sara Maynara

23) Michael Okoasia **

24) Iyanla Page

25) Casey Flax

26) Rebecca Reyes

27) Rhythm ‘n Sync

28) Miquel DeJesus

29) Zionna Williams

30) Brian Johnson

31) Mykela Parker

32) Maria Bonanno

33) Joseph Salcedo

34) Ra’anna Clark

35) Serenity Davies

36) Kathianna Celestin

37) Aliyah Slater

38) Dina Erie

39) Crystaliz Sanchez

40) Brianna Brown

41) Kathy Liz

This show is going to be so off the chain, over the top, other worldly, out of the park, amazingly wild and wow, what else to say that begins with a “w” or an “o” did I say Wow? Yeah, wow, just wow.


CEREMONY: NAMA15 Realtime Hilites From the ATIZINE LiveTweet.

Filed under: Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:02 am



CEREMONY: Donating Some More Journalism Skills to the Native American Music Awards

By marco capelli frucht

[inline] [/inline]  silenceisaweapon-laptop-blackfiresticker2

So here’s my reverse chronology rundown of the Nammys last night. Their 15th annual. 

There were a couple glitches at the beginning of the show from the webstream’s point of view but overall it went really great. This is the first year they’ve managed to include anyone else anywhere else in the world who wanted to watch the Ceremony from afar. I’m really psyched about how well it went, and what an artifact it’s now become thanks to the people at Livestream, SingleFeather, and FNXdotOrg. Yippie!

Congrats to Tribe @atribecalledred for their Best Music Video win at the nammys! capelli @atizine · 10h10 hours ago
So I missed @raphaeldeas presenting and I missed Village People shouting out the pop category. What else did I miss?
@atizine Here’s a link where you can scroll fwd/bkwd and see anything you might’ve missed earlier 2nite: …

· 10h10 hours ago
BTW: I think Livestream’s company has plenty of bandwidth to archive shows so it’s probably going to be an “artifact” now. 🙂
· 10h10 hours ago
And my sistah from anuddah mother, Janice Marie Johnson closes the show. #nama #nammys
Kelly Montijo Fink and John Kane presenting the next one… #nama #nammys #nammy

More capelli @atizine · 11h11 hours ago
@4JayMichael You’re welcome! So happy I can help out even a little bit from afar. I’ve been there backstage for so many other ones.
· 11h11 hours ago
It is so absolutely neato keen and awesomely wonderful to see @theplateros joining Indigenous. Now that’s rock n roll. Have Mercy! 
· 11h11 hours ago
@mwalim brings the music a capella to introduce Charly Lowry and DarkWater Rising. Wow.
Best Rock Recording goes to the Ollivanders #nama #nammy #nammys
Sihasin about to perform one of their songs. I think Woody Guthrie’s “Mean Things” is gonna be one of ’em. 🙂
Ryan Little Eagle Molina takes Best Instrumental Recording Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “The Long Journey Home.”
More · 11h11 hours ago
Janice Marie, how’s the lights for you. Too bright? Not bright enough? 😛 That’s right, boogie oogie oogie. Good work grrl!

Nama gives a guitar away. Weall usually sign it the night b4. It’s always a fundraiser for great things. Vets, heating fuel, antisuicide…
· 12h12 hours ago
Joanne @JoShenandoah‘s daughter Leah performs one of her songs at NAMA15. 14nov14 🙂
· 12h12 hours ago
Dark Water Running and Jimmy Wolf win Nammys. Couldn’t write fast enough for provenance. I’ll get the specifics asap.
· 12h12 hours ago
Sihasin takes the Debut Group Of The Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Never Surrender!” Yippie!

More· 12h12 hours ago
Tracy Bone takes the Best Country Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys Yippie!
@raphaeldeas @NativeAwards I think it’s 15lbs, Raphael, but I know whatcha mean!
@Edko5871 See what I mean? Edko’s houseband’s jam right now sounds like Eagles’ I can’t tell you why, meets Ted Nugent’s Stranglehold… Show @NAMCountdown · 15h15 hours ago
Good luck to everyone at the #NAMA‘s! Happy 15th Anniversary!
· 12h12 hours ago
@Edko5871 provides the house band for each annual #nammys – These guys are selfless and amazingly talented! So proud to call them friend
· 12h12 hours ago
FNX, First Nations Experience provides this brand new #nammys live webstream along with Mikey Kickingbear Johnson’s SingleFeather Media.
Samantha Eldridge @DCSamantha · 21h21 hours ago
Don’t have plans tonight? Watch the live stream of the 15th Annual Native American Music Awards @ 8:00 PM EST #NAMA
marco capelli retweeted Arts @ICTMN_Arts · 13h13 hours ago
Are you watching? Native American Music Awards #NAMA streaming live right now on @FNXTV link: 
marco capelli retweeted Waln @FrankWaln · 5 Nov 2012
My beats were winning awards before I was. #Nammys Best Producer 2010 Best Rap/Hip Hop Recording 2011 
Bobby Richardson @ColdWinterWind · 10 May 2013
ME!! RT @delschilling: Who is watching the #NAMMYS ? 
Ed Koban @Edko5871 · Apr 5
Please visit my band page and click like. We appreciate your support. #EKG #FUMSE #nammys #NAMA #edko 
· 12h12 hours ago
And what’s Jim Boyd do in addition to giving an acceptance speech? Carries out his geetar and plays for us. Yippie! @atizine
View conversation

· 12h12 hours ago
Jim Boyd gets “rekonized” at the 15th Nammys. Hard medicine; good medicine. Janice Marie Johnson hands Jim the Lifetime Achievement award.
· 13h13 hours ago
Leah Shenandoah takes the Debut Artist Of the Year Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for her rekkid “Spektra.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Indigenous wins the Best Blues Recording #Nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Vanishing Americans.”

More capelli @atizine · 13h13 hours ago
Buddy Big Mountain & his little friend intros the next performer, Jan Michael Looking Wolf at the 15th annual #nammys

· 13h13 hours ago
The Tribe wins the Best Pow Wow Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Stoic.”

14h14 hours ago
@DylanJenet onstage this second presenting!!! Best Pow Wow Recording. Who might get it! #nama #nammys #nammy

· 14h14 hours ago
“Indian Honkytonk Wonder Woman.” — One of the Superkids jammin live this sec w/ Wayne Silas, Jr. Menom & Oneida represent! @KarlaCarolAnn
View conversation
· 14h14 hours ago
Spirit of Thunderheart wins the Best Traditional Recording #nammy at the 15th annual #nammys for “Rising.”

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@Edko5871 Boy, that’s a gorgious backline, what with the Mesa Boogies, Marshalls and Fenders and stuff. :) 
View conversation

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@dougbluefeather, are you watching the #nammys on the webstream? @NativeAwards

Dark Water Rising @DarkWaterRising · Nov 13
Layla Rose got all of us to take a #selfie. #GotSnow #Salamanca #NY #NAMMYS 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
Watching the native american music awards on the livestream. #nammys 

marco capelli @atizine · 14h14 hours ago
@tinselkorey @Nataanii_Means …
View conversation

marco capelli retweeted
Zalka Csenge Virág @TarkabarkaHolgy · Nov 13
Don’t know yet what I am teaching next semester, but #RebelMusic is going straight in the syllabus. #culturestudies

marco capelli retweeted
Tinsel Korey @tinselkorey · Nov 13
Watching @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means & @inezjasper on the big screen #RebelMusic @MTV #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth 
marco capelli retweeted
Alannah Begay @LongHair_DC · Nov 13
Inspiring and powerful video on behalf of @MTV . Native Country is alive and well! Represent. @FrankWaln @Nataanii_Means@inezjasper

marco capelli retweeted Dani @xodanix3 · Nov 13
What I liked most about #RebelMusic was it showed Native Americans as human. Not as angry activist or stereotypes but as relateable ppl.

And here’s the complete list of winners:

Artist of the Year
Mato Nanji
Vanishing Americans

Best Blues Recording
Vanishing Americans

Best Compilation Recording
Don’t Let Me Forget
Kelly Montijo Fink

Best Country Recording
Woman Of Red
Tracy Bone

Debut Artist of the Year
Leah Shenandoah

Debut Group of the Year
Never Surrender

Best Female Artist
Rita Coolidge
A Rita Coolidge Christmas

Best Folk Recording
Keeper of the Dreams
Red Feather Woman

Flutist of the Year
Rona Yellowrobe
The Gathering

Best Inspirational Recording
Grace & Grit: Chapter I
Dark Water Rising

Group of the Year
Plenty Wolf Singers
Medicine Wolf

Best Historical/Linguistic Recording
Heart of the Buffalo
Richard Stepp & Rick McKee

Best Instrumental Recording
The Long Journey Home
Ryan Little Eagle Molina

Best Male Artist
Jimmy Wolf
A Tribute To Little Johnny Taylor

Best Native American Church Recording
Apache Peyote Songs
Joe Tohonnie Jr

Best New Age Recording
Rushingwind & Mucklow

Best Pop Recording
Day After Day
Jamie Coon

Best Pow Wow Recording
Tha Tribe

Best Producer
Kevin Chief
Honoring The Mazinikijik Singers

Best Rap Hip Hop Recording
One Tribe One Nation
The Council

Record of the Year
Romanze Songs of Tosti
Lawrence Harris

Best Rock Recording
Two Sons
The Ollivanders

Song of the Year
Witchi Tai-To – Water Spirits
Shadowyze, Caren Knight Pepper and Jim Pepper

Songwriter of the Year
Theresa “Bear” Fox

Best Spoken Word Recording
Grandfather Speaks
Ken Quiet Hawk

Best Traditional Recording
Spirit of Thunderheart

Best Music Video
Sisters ft Northern Voice
A Tribe Called Red

Best Waila Recording
In Loving Memory of Our Beloved Father & Uncle
Family Pride

Best World Music Recording
Nature Dance
Joanne Shenandoah

Native Heart
Lex Nichols
The Long Road

Lifetime Achievement
Jim Boyd



JOURNAL POEM 24 – Poems For Roberta Blackgoat

Monkey and Bull make meal of
Pomegranite, potatoes, pineapple & peppers.
LL Zamenhof worked Pepsi's graveyard
Shift til the day he died. Poetic.
Death not for lack of irony.
For growing calamity, asks Esperanza,
Does one need fertilizer?
Removes tongue from cheek.
1477. Chris visits Iceland inquiring
As a wannabe Portugese picking up
Waterfront gossip of "the NewFound Lands."
Looks like Lawnmower Man on valium.
Vacation - Grape Cod. Dwelling on payola,
Punkrock, and plasma in Adobe Abode.
Hystorically, a bladder bag full of bull.
Mother Earth, you are beaux, bela, belle,
Beautiful - Where's Dr. Esperanto
When you NEED him??

Peabody Coal purchases Cavenham
Forest for a copper penny.
Mrs. Farthing leaves a pie on her porch for
The plutonium miners. Make mine a strip so
Spineless as a Portugese Man O'War, now if
That ain't the scumm calling the scummsucker scummy.
Sage tea makes sore throat to merely a wet
Groggy flemmy thing; yet Dire Wolf offers
12-page thesis on Yak semen.
Can God hear you in a Hindu Ashram?
"Yes," yells Yayo. She's 12 and SMARTER than you.
Fiesta. Laguna March 19, 1992
They say you'll be led by children.

Haiku: Zuni Moisture Dance
 Mudhead Kachinas - Laura,
   Yayo, HasKey Tso.

Sweatlodge. Madrid, NM
2 FAS children flying a kite.
Filthy fake fony false hair follicles
Now fact thanks to Rogaine.
Or was that Reagan??
Nancy's war-on-drugs:
Rhymes with moron thugs.

Open Mike is playing at the Chez What Cafe.
Who IS this Open Mike?
Just some honest Joe?
Stench fries and fillet of potatoes at
The Full Spoon Cafe.

And Bo Diddley's cook wears wine-red
Dingos pouring sherry in Mrs. Farthing's Chowder.
Pampa, TX. Letting go of Police Brutality -
Release, relax, relief.
2:30 a.m. Katy reads poetry for tips at the
Omaha Greyhound.
Makes 2-bucks on "Bernalilo Blues."
Mytho-philosophical street poems.
How do they make coffee in Nowata?
Strong - same as Coffeeville.
Trivia question: who's face on $5

      Thomas Jefferson or Johnny Cash?

Movado watch with moon minute hand,
I straddle the corner of Florence
& Normandy contemplating cops.
A house full of cat-tails never falls;

And Medina pours Mecca a 20 oz. cup of
Mocha java.

Previously published in a $5 Chapbook entitled "I Slurp My Coffee." 

Currently released as an album at:
And you can get the whole album as a printable .zip file at:


Little Boxes – Remembering Pete Seeger

Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Pop Culture — admin @ 2:41 am

Little Boxes – Malvina Reynolds


The first time I saw Pete Seeger perform this live
was in Providence Rhode Island. He was doing a tribute
to Malvina Reynolds who he credited for his first hit 
single. It was an evening of folk music that was a who’s
who of “Pete Seeger & Friends.” Each did a song or two
that she’d written, and then they
ended the show with a stage full of people singing
Little Boxes for a very long time. I was in heaven.
Not for the fame around me, but for the mass of people
we were, singing together. It was something I can’t
describe in words. Greater than his banjo playing and
his beautiful voice that to this day remains clearer
than a bell, Pete Seeger’s gift really IS his ability
to get an entire “room” singing together.


“Katzberg recalled Seeger as emcee at a tribute to Malvina Reynolds at Veterans Memorial Auditorium in 1993, and singing at the Rhode Island Labor & Ethnic Heritage Festival in Pawtucket in 1996. The latter, she said, perfectly fulfilled a vision she once had about the festival. (Katzberg has a picture of herself on stage with Seeger.)”


The nammys say this about him:

Seeger also encouraged Oneida Nation musician Joanne Shenandoah. She was one of his favorite artists. He shared the stage with her on many occasions including a remarkable set with the late Odetta ten years ago, at Madison Square Garden for his 90th Birthday on May 3, 2009, and in 2012 when he, Shenandoah and Patti Smith sang at Cooper Union Hall in New York City for a human rights event. When asked last year as to which performance he wanted to attend he elected to hear Joanne Shenandoah, standing on the side of the stage for her entire hour long set.




Last night Lincoln Center Out Of Doors put on a ginormous memorial concert remembering Pete Seeger’s legacy through song.

It reminded me so much of that Malvina Reynolds tribute in Providence way back in the day. It had that same feel to it. Heck, at least 15 of last night’s performers were at that show.

Anyhew, they’re streaming that entire concert on a loop at for the next 24 hours!


Check that out.


ANNOTATIONS: Marc Frucht’s American Songbag.

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 8:53 am

Here goes some “explication” about the two newest recordings I’ve mastered and edited up. Enjoy.
Recorded live from the soundboard at a Bonfire in Groton, CT.
I noticed while I was organizing these tunes that it kind of serves as the best kind of ethnomusicology lesson you could ever receive for free. Pro Bono, my gift to you. Call now, operators are standing by…

16th Century Greensleeves. (cover of a Ritchie Blackmore arrangement of a very old song)

Old Folksinger – by Merle Kessler, aka “Ian Shoales.”
Need a real audio of my studio version?

Other Side – Orig. Someone I was very sweet on turned to me one night and said, “why don’t you write a song about turquoise and silver and a pebble and a ring.” So I did.

Johnny B. Goode – Standard (played very non-standard)

Oh Boy – written by Sonny West, Bill Tilghman and Norman Petty. Made most famous by Buddy Holly

Hey Mon – Orig.

One Tin Soldier – Coven. Made most famous by the movie “Billy Jack.”

Little Things – Orig.

Wicked Wicked World. – Medley arranged by Marc Frucht. “Wicked World”
by Black Sabbath’s Ozzie Osbourne, “When The Levee Breaks” collected
folk style by Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page. Last verse Original.

Happened Just That Way – Roger Miller

Seminole Wind – John Anderson
Want to hear just a cute cover of it by a little girl named Mary Elizabeth Kirkpatrick? Neat how sometimes a song can be kept immortal by lots of people giving it some love!

Mary Had a William Goat – I learned this parody from Carl Sandburg’s publication “American Songbag.”

Merry Minuet – I first heard the Kingston Trio version of this song from my mom and dad’s massive record collection. It was written by

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes – from the Movie of the same name.
I’ve actually been asked to sing it a capella at movie premieres and stuff.

Dream On Again – You notice how they sing, “sing with me” and it’s a song written in like Fm7 with a flatted 9th in the bass, and it’s a key that only Bessie Smith can sing but she’s gotta warm up all opera style before she even tries to sing it?

Evil Ways – Carlos Santana

Milli Vanilla – I wrote this as a parody to the Poison song “Every Rose Has Its Thorn”

FUN song – from Sponge Bob Square Pants. Just don’t ask me to sing the Campfire song or “I Ripped My Pants.”

Blister In The Sun – Violent Femmes. Done as a medley together with “American Music” and “Free.” Proof that the Bodeans stole liberally from the Violent Femmes. J/K they’re all friends with each other.

Oh Freedom – medley. My version of Pete Seeger’s version of Odetta’s version of several ancient spirituals

Do Wacka Do – more Roger Miller

FryBread – Orig.

* Recordings engineered in Groton, CT by Andrew Barnes

Listen to the entire thing in two parts at:


Free CD — Last year’s entire 18 song Christmas record!

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,News,Pop Culture — admin @ 3:00 pm

Hi all,
Last year I engineered and mastered a Christmas record that I was quite happy with. I printed my own jewelcases, and mass produced hundreds of copies and passed them out to everyone I knew personally the weeks leading up to Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa.

I thought of doing the same thing this year; but suddenly decided, “maybe instead I’ll just print up download cards.”

So I’ve placed the entire CD, 18 songs and color .PDF album cover as one big .zip file.



Here’s where you can get it for free:

You simply download the file, unzip/unpack and burn to a blank cdr, print out the artwork and fold it into a holder for your CD. Then play the thing in your car, media center or stereo or right there on your laptop.

And of course these days if you don’t even feel like printing a CDR you can just make a playlist on your phone or ipod with the MP3’s themself.




And now a note about John Boehner [Caveat: 1st I’ll say I don’t think much of Harry Reid either]

Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime,News,OpEd,Pop Culture — admin @ 6:17 am

Boehner told Harry Reid to “Go F___ yourself” when Reid said he was behaving dictatorially.

Somewhere back near 1998 Boehner walked right in and bumped me for a haircut and shave in the Rayburn building basement barber shop and I said to both him and the barber that I learned on grade school field trips that since I was ahead of him in line I should get my haircut first.

The barber was very apologetic, but truly feared for his career. I could see in his eyes that he knew I was right.

For hundreds of years those barbers told little kids how important it was that there be places like Washington DC where everything is absolutely fair. I believe the word they made us little kids look up and learn fully for understanding was ‘egalitarian.’

So John Boehner threw F-bombs when Reid said he was behaving dictatorially and people were astonished, many just perish the thought and try to forget it, but I cannot.

John Boehner told me to go F— myself at that moment I too had to point out he was behaving dictatorially.  He also said he could buy and sell me in a minute’s time. All I could think to say quickly was to suggest he die trying.

A lot of people believe that he is just fronting for the Teaparty, cowed by them, and he’s trying his hardest to rein them in but the one fact I know from first person experience is that he is a very mean-spirited and selfish man.

……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´


Why Seek An Inventive Mind? YOU have one! Part 2

Filed under: Academic,Humor,Mundane Or Sublime,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 4:40 am

Who remembers that kick I was on to use less than-a-dollar  reinventing overpriced things such as the 29.99  ipod/cellfone charger wallsocket holder out of a piece of cereal box cardboard?

Or the 16$ iPod sock made out of an actual used sock from just needle, thread and scissors!



Well it’s refreshing to know someone else out there who I’ve never even met is thinking along the same lines.







I usually just link to an image someone else took so much trouble to make but I can only find it on facebook so I’ll download/upload here and give link back to THEIR facebook. I think you want to click /like/ on theirs for sure and see what ideas they come up with next, the really have it going on.



OPINION: Beyonce Knowles; Underachiever Of The Millenium


Beyonce LipSync’d the National Anthem and she sang her medley of perishable non-memorable hits “LIVE.”

Anyone hardly even know what LIVE means anymore??? Yes, she cranked up the mains and left her full-on backing track pumping loudly in her monitors so you mostly heard her, and faintly heard everything she prepared. She really could have just skyped the entire show in but she had something to prove. Back when she was young, she sang a capella on late night shows. She was one of the few artists who didn’t put a rider in their contract refusing all a capella songs, even Happy Birthday. Many artists resented her that. She was very talented. She can sing like a bird, and she often does, but she isn’t very courageous and she most likely never wrote a real song in her life.

Flash forward to the present. She has been singing more and more with the Backing Track dialed in and cranked up to… well to 11. Yupper, she can’t dance OR sing live as well as Madonna. (and that’s not saying much.) Should we compare/contrast her voice with Odetta’s? Aretha? Mario Lanza? Nina Simone. South Park’s Chef even… OK I’ll stop there. As for dancing, right! She’s no madonna, she’s not even a Paula Abdul or a Janet Jackson. In fact can I complain about something as far as dance moves go? Janet and Paula already did all that. I rarely see anything done by anyone that hasn’t already been regimented 15 times already the past 50 years! (except maybe Pink but that’s different)

Who’s going to be the next James Brown, Little Richard, Madonna or MJ? It’s not Nicky Minaj and it’s not Lady Gaga and it darned sure isn’t Ms. Knowles.

So OK, she admitted publicly she lip sync’d the National Anthem, and then belted it out a capella to show the world that she can carry a tune if asked. And then she proceeded to lip sync a medley of potent soundbytes during the Superbowl’s halftime that was so stunningly flawless that she can now forever say she did it “live.” Yup, virtually live. What’s the truth-in-advertising quotient on that one, does it have to be 26% live to call it “live?” Well she nailed it at something like 66% or more. Yay. Happy for her.

Songs that are “not worth lip-syncing!” as many of my friends keep suggesting, I’m serious people. We’re going to remember “Yesterday,” and “Summertime,” “Johnny B Goode” and “Follow The Drinking Gourd” forever, trust me. “Wipe Out,” yes, and the “Hawaii 5-0 Theme song;” but “put a ring on it?” “If I were a boy?” “Me myself and I???” Oh come on. I already attribute “If I were a boy” to little Mimi Sledge of the Sledge Grits band because she does it with just vocals and an acoustic guitar better than Beyonce EVER could.

Well, Pete Seeger, his Grandson Tao and Bruce Springsteen led a civic choir of hundreds in This Land is Your Land. 100% live with a very meaningful song. All the verses to boot! Not a backing track to be found for miles. I would challenge people like Beyonce to write a real song for once or get out of the way so people like Beyonce’s little sister Solange, Frank Waln, Kinnie Starr, Crystal Crow Dog, Wab Kinew and I can make our way up there where we belong.

Idle No More.

That’s all I can say for now.

Pete Seeger sings “This Land Is Your Land” for President Obama’s Inauguration

follow the drinking gourd: (Audio)

Immortalized song Summertime from Porgy and Bess.

Same for Johnny B Goode

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