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Journal Poem #55 – from Volume 2 of the upcoming Journal Poems

Filed under: Academic,Mundane Or Sublime,Pop Culture — admin @ 9:17 am

Journal Poem #55
from JournalPoems Volume 2.

Here I sit pensive, dark and dreary
In a restaurant so expensive

Airplane mode
Typing haikuish Poem
Sitting in window seat
Awaiting land.

So I told the pizza chef, listen I know you’re still trying
To develop the world’s greatest sourdough crust
But you’re not quite there.

At the risk of sounding offensive
I must tell you,
This dough just taste
Like Matzos without the salt.

He just smiled and said, old friend:
Let me remind you, since you’re the one who told me
Dale Carnegie was quoted saying,
“This isn’t a bagel, it’s a white bread with a hole.”

And it’s not his fault.

We all want a better car
A better car, we all want a better car
Isn’t it just a little offensive
We here in America
Unhappy with the car we have

We all want a better fone
A better fone than the one we have
It’s a bit much, we, here unhappy
With the fone we own

We all want a better house
Isn’t it wild
We, so unhappy with the house we got

A better job?
Yeah, we all want a better job
Want, want, want,
Think we need, so unhappy
With the job we keep

What we really want
and need,
And deserve?
Simply a better life.


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