Muffin Bottoms [not] Just another WordPress weblog


I am my brother’s keeper…

Filed under: Academic,Food,Mundane Or Sublime,Tech — admin @ 3:31 am

I *am* my brother’s keeper. Healthcare is neither a right NOR a privilege; rather it is simply something I should make sure everyone around me has access to. The “returns” and benefits of giving that out, comes back exponentially and immensely!


Three Milwaukee hospitals own this massive flatbed truck with MRI/CAT/Airblower/CAD thing worth about a billion dollars that I’m sure won’t be paid off and fully owned until 2020! How come each hospital can list the full amount as an asset when convenient, yet a liability when not??? I thought Exxon Valdez and Enron were our wakeup calls that creative math was going to kill us?

Healthcare costs come way down, people take two aspirin and some apple juice instead of antibiotics whenever effective, we shift as much into preventative rather than catastrophic as we can, and we look around and punish fraud. I betcha the tort reform people are yakking away about has less to do with malpractice and more to do with wanting to keep defrauding with flatbed trucks and brand new panasonic laptops and stuff.

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