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Crocs and Mossimos

Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime — admin @ 11:49 am

Look at me in my Crocs, Mossimo cargo shorts, NewEra formfit hat and a shirt saying POPULARITY IS A SOCIAL DISEASE.

Police behaving badly.

New recording of my all-bamboo guitar over at

Battling Freepers for days on end this summer. Never a dull moment…

So I had a problem with my brand new Crocs for a little while. Big huge painful blisters on both insteps right away. Wore them for about 3 hours and then set them aside and healed the blisters all week.

Good thing I was in Boston the other day because the Eastern Mountain Sports people who sold ’em to me had no idea how to respond. Behind Quincy Marketplace there’s a bunch of shops, you know, Banana Republic, et al… Well a new shop that moved in sometime the past couple seasons was a brand new full-on Crocs distribution store. First one I’ve seen anywhere. Possibly the clo

sest one to me. So one of the clerks knew exactly what I was talking about. She told me to loosen the back straps even more than logic would tell you. Their purpose is not to snug you in even a tiny bit. They’re to keep the Crocs from falling off, and that’s it.

Mission accomplished. I wore ’em a couple hours yesterday and then again all day today so far. Yay!

I knew if I just took the time I could become fully bonded with my new Crocs.


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