Muffin Bottoms [not] Just another WordPress weblog


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Filed under: Mundane Or Sublime,Music and Stuff,Pop Culture,Tech — admin @ 9:47 am

Sometimes I go long on a reply somewhere and look it over after hitting send and realize it’s its own blog post really.

Here’s another one I believe stands on its own just fine. (I’ll try to bring forward context as well though.)

Our society is so out of control. We’ve completely lost sight of what matters until we see a great moment in a great movie or something and then we shed what, one single tear that feels like “I get it…” and then we go right back to all the unnatural things in life that we’ve been conditioned through a lifetime to think are natural.


I’m immersed in all these same things, but I try to be mindful at all times of concepts such as “I am not my cellphone,” “I am not my car,” “I am not my hair style,” and “I am not my body type!”

Especially while making art because those are the things that are going to continue past my own words spoken and footsteps taken, etc.


pic and quote on a friend’s post

“The funny thing is that some people reduce freedom to a brand,” Gaga said between tears. “They think that it’s trendy now to be free. They think it’s trendy to be excited about your identity. When in truth, there is nothing trendy about ‘Born This Way.’ ‘Born This Way’ is a spirit, and it is this connection that we all share. It is something so much deeper than a wig or a lipstick or an outfit or a f**kn’ meat dress. ‘Born This Way’ is about us, ‘Born This Way’ is about what keeps us up at night and makes us afraid.” –Lady Gaga, Poland (Nov. 2010)

And there was an


with Lady Gaga with a yellow phone over her left eye.

and my buddy wrote:

So so typical of today’s world: cellphone attached to our bodies as computers control, dictate every seconds of our lives…

[RElated]=[ ]

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