Muffin Bottoms [not] Just another WordPress weblog


just made it onto iTunes, hint, hint…

Filed under: Academic,Humor,Mundane Or Sublime,Tech — admin @ 5:14 pm

“Technology’s nice but if you don’t have a story, forget it.”

—  Filmmaker Randy Ericksen

“Technology is great, but the story is greater.”


“Everyone wants to save us, and help us, but no one wants to know us.”

— 22 year old Lakota Songwriter and Producer Frank Waln who grew up at Rosebud.

OK, those quotes are unrelated to what I’m about to blog but I just found those very profound just minutes ago so I had to include them here.

So, I spell a special ed teacher about once a week for an hour and a half or so; and it’s this one middle schooler named ___ who has full-on autism, downs, and many other issues so he’s very low functioning. Essentially I just babysit him while he watches his favorite cartoons on VHS and he has a button that can start it or stop it and that’s it. He loves to stop it and laugh — then start it again, and watch some more, “rinse, repeat,” etc.

Every once in a while though, something most people don’t ever notice OR care about — he’ll grab my hand or arm really lightly to get my attention and then touch his nose, his teeth his ear or his foot, etc., and he’s willing to wait almost forever until I say what he just pointed to, and the moment I say it he laughs hysterically and grins from ear to ear and either points to something else to continue or goes back to clicking his videos.

A friend who works full-time with special ed issues just blogged that a kid just gave her a noogie which made me giggle so much I had to pen these thoughts immediately.

It really is the little things, huh?


SOFFTY FASNFFTOF (my debut folk full-length) just made it onto iTunes, hint, hint…

[I lied didn’t I? Those quotes turned out to be “sublimely” pertinent!]

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