I thought archiving Twitter activity, (at least my end of it) would be historically helpful maybe.
I’ll try to do this over at LiveJournal too.
Shira Lazar interviewed the brand new Energy Secretary last night and hundreds of us helped her in realtime! http://muffinbottoms.org/?p…
Thanks @nmhall for second sourcing the Guantanamo stories.
Breaking: [Is this for reals? Anyone got a second source yet?] Judge approves Obama’s order suspending anything new at Gitmo for 120 days.
@remaerdyaD my only real complaint about the iFone is how locked into apps you are. Hafta see what the Pre lets you do “outside the box”
RT @JayOatway Chinese censors removing communism reference from Obama’s inauguration speech: http://is.gd/gFNb [and favored nation why?]
@Jason_Pollock you rocked it, btw.
@mjb nah, stay in for it bro. Don’t back down now. Be like Gracie Slik’s date, Abbie Hoffman in 68. hehehehe #inaug #inaug09 #obama
RT @sarahkatheryn Police telling us now 10 at a time can go in #youthball
Oh, btw: http://angryjournalist.com #inaug #inaug09 #obama
Livevideo from one of the balls. http://shrinkster.com/13uf #inaug #inaug09 #obama
@shanselman this is live stream from one of the 10 balls but some of the technology might interest you. http://shrinkster.com/13uf
RT @TheOnion BREAKING: Drunk Bush Crashes Inauguration Ball Wearing Only Texas Flag
RT @teepoole http://twitpic.com/15cak – Garlic gnocchi [mmm…]
RT @ekai It took 8 years, I captured the moment Bush finally left DC: http://www.flickr.com/photo…
I’m watching Shira Lazar facilitate a really great chatstream & video linkup at: http://tinyurl.com/9ldrao
Wow, RT @Pistachio Anyone else perceive a slightly sudden sense of being unlocked from the sludge of 9/11? — good point!
@shiralazar Good Livelink stuff and great twitter chatter. 😉 http://tinyurl.com/9ldrao
RT @HumanFolly My favorite quote from President Obama’s speech today: “We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.â€
haha triple RT @inaug Retweeting @blogdiva: i have a new title for @CNN‘s John King : Technology Pornographer inaug09 (@imajin2102) #inaug
Nez Perce peeps in the house.
haha triple RT @inaug Retweeting @blogdiva: i have a new title for @CNN‘s John King : Technology Pornographer inaug09 (@imajin2102) #inaug
While CNN yaks away about the bus, here’s some real Birmingham history. Recent police chief requires nonviolence training of all her cops.
hahaha RT @inaug this is more of a pub crawl than a parade, but without the pubs inaug09 (@neonplasma)
@calinative it’s still very buggy. They’re using 20,000 computers to run that. Don’t download the betas and early releases yet, I say.
If McCain walked down the street like Biden now, he’d have a flak jacket, 5 Blackhawk helicopters and snipers atop almost every building.
@nursenicole I know. Teasing. Maybe he’ll go up and down the east coast over and over homeless like the New Jersey garbage barge.
I used Drudge’s “anonymous” webform to tell him the following. “Roberts paused and then cut Obama off. Stop it.” Great if others do similar.
@jepaco you’re right. Roberts paused and then cut him off. Much more contempt than mispronouncing someone’s name even! Obama looked pissed
News Analysis – This is the 1st time in 12 years 1 of our Presidents didn’t hide in the fetal position in the trunk at the inaugural parade
FLASH – CNN is not covering financials. Dow plummeted 336.35 points (4.06%) according to @breakingnewson (preliminary #s)
Ted Kennedy had a seizure while dining with Obama and the rest of Congress. CNN claims that’s breaking news but it’s 1 1/2 hours old.
RT (inc shipping) super *O* t-shirt http://is.gd/gCoe @lildb
I am happy that Obama will preside for 4-8 years, but I won’t be all decked out in Obama clothing, k? thx. bye.
@sarahatwood Brian Williams, like Vanderson Cooper and Wolfe Bluster is an old-money chauvinist FashionInstituteOfTech grad lacking brains
RT @randomfreak It’s like I’m walking on sunshine. Seriously. And I didn’t even need any compressed computer duster 2 get like this either!
I thought Bush would fly back to Danbury where he belongs. Texas? I thought those peeps got rid of him?
@inaug Chief Justice paused and then cut Obama off. You could tell he was livid but not allowed to show it. He handled it well. Rat bastard!
ahahahaha. @irinaslutsky – u shamed Ashton Kutcher ( @aplusk ) into thinking about donating some??? You frickin’ rock, grrl! #inaug #inaug09
So Bush’s getaway copter gets a namechange; to ExPresident1. Anderson cooper and wolf blitzer joust over who is older money
OK, Mr. Obama. You’re prez. Now where’s my carton of Marlboros & bottle of Mad Dog 2020 like you promised. Pony up bro, or I’m voting Perot
@schoodic thanks!
Thanks for keeping it all 2gether @twitter — the lags were minimal in the grand context of what it could’ve been like!
Wasnt Rev Lowery the one congress marshalls beat up last year because he wouldnt stop protesting irak war and torture? #inaug
Brink, brim, cusp. !
Now comes poetry time!
If he wants my vote in 12 he must close not just gitmo but the SOA/WHISC anmd he must free not just Leonard Peltier but Mumia Abu Jamal
Here he tries to be Kennedy plus MLK divided by two. #inaug #inaug09
Diane Feinstein discussung bullet over the ballot and brutality and nonviolence? Now that’s hypocracy of epic proportions.
Why am I watching this on ABC? Oy consensus. #inaug
Twitter trick during failwhales and yellow triangles. go back to the http://www.twitter.com page and repaste what you’d started to send
@neovids Clinton’s use of the word ‘Immediate’ meant 18 months. Bush’s was never. I’d say add and divide by 2.
RT @whoppervirgins Rumor has it, America has elected a new Burger King…. http://tinyurl.com/97uqfy
RT @Pistachio hearing rumors of a layoff today at THE most senior levels of government. #inaug
RT HopeChat Did David Axelrod buy a new suit? He cleaned up well. LOL #inaug09
RT @neovids cheney will leave office in a wheel chair. this seems only fair #inaug [As a vet I rather agree]
9:40 a.m. U’ve Been Warned: Security agencies say once 350K people are on the Mall, the gates will B shut. [sucks. Capacity’s 1.2M] #inaug
RT @bloggi We are all witnessing hystery in the making. 🙂 #inaug
@rabble lol
The barber wished me a happy Obama day. I don’t think barbers at the Rayburn basement have wished me a happy anything. Ever. #inaug
RT @HumanFolly I think that a riot is about to break out.
@enduring yeah, but his grandgoddaughter Mika’s a delightfully charming young lady, ennit? #inaug #obama #inaug09
Ooh, I have an idea, who still has their little sticker they gave you when you voted? Walk around wearing it all day. Great convo starter.
/me is just so happy I could take off my shoes and throw ’em at someone! #inaug
Most eloquent twitter I’ve seen wasn’t in twitter (yet) = Barack IN, Barrick OUT! – wow. #inaug #inaug09 “Barack IN, Barrick OUT!” — Mano
@bakuretsu good thinking. I’m busy minding news feeds and group edits and stuff, will consult youtube and twitter search tomorrowish. 😉
@kathrynjones that’s Condaleeza’s way of “rickrolling” you. (chevron) #inaug #inaug09
@kathrynjones that’s Condaleeza’s way of “rickrolling” you. (chevron)
RT @lesliecarbone Hardest thing 4 me 2 live w/ re: Bush terms = not thoughtful enuf ever 2 grasp how profoundly he has damaged U.S. #inaug
Obama’ll swear on the Lincoln Bible. I wonder if there’s any DNA on there from scalpings in the Black Hawk wars? #inaug — oops
RT @ekai Finally at end of blue line near Dept of Health & Human Services entrance. Line stretches for 1/2 mile. #inaug
@sacca Barry O better watch his f v < k i n g mouth. It’s a swearing in, not a swearing in!
Washington Post is bragging that they have 120 reporters “everywhere.” Who wants to wager how soon they’ll say “hit our twitter,” et al?
RT @enduring Attending Inaug in wheelchair, strained back or can’t “stand” Obama? Cheney’s transformation 2 Bond villain is complete.
RT @vulgrin Only 14900 seconds of bush left
@Southworth Inauguration Day! Does every1 have pointy hats and noisemakers? I’m looking forward 2 the part where they pants Bush onstage.
RT @ev Waiting in what I imagine is the first of many lines today. George Lucas is further back in the line, so we must be doing ok.
5 hours 41 mins 30 secs.
RT @sacca It is way too cold for fist-bumping. Fingers could be lost.
RT @sarahkatheryn does anyone have a 20 on the Cosi lines in CapHill SE? #inaug09 [Cosi, :)]
RT @kathrynjones going 2 force self 2 sleep – excited isn’t the word 4 2morrow – moved, inspired, grateful, ecstatic – sleep well twiends!
RT @sarahkatheryn Met classmates of obama from Hawaii on the metro weird to hear non right wing ppl call him barry
OK, watching Garth Brooks sing Shout! for Obama and a few million of his closest friends was well worth the price of downloading
Careful @irinaslutsky @vulgrin I’ve believed 4 a long time wooden windmill implementation all over Philly = got Abbie Hoffman killed.
@jack I’m twitterpated with your word choice in trying out Twestival today
@Zadi do I hear Dante Ross on drum n bass?
“And you can’t use Notepad unless you’ve bought your Windows license in the first place.” — Richard Campbell http://shrinkster.com/13ty
@irinaslutsky maybe Ashton (@aplusk) would rather give people like me a 2 year old CoolPix than donate directly to a charity. Just sayin
@Pistachio wow, that’s a good point too, though.
Which uses less bandwidth – clicking ‘Home’ atop the twitter page or ‘refresh’ inside Firefox???
found another bug in Office. If you type ‘orthogonal’ and spell check it, it’ll say you’re right no matter which way you spell it.
If a Twitter links to a webpage and nobody clicks it, does it make AdSense? Doubleclick? http://etext.org/Zines/ASCI…
OK @irinaslutsky @glassdog that song was painful.
@irinaslutsky U R right. & I’ve not often been a fan of pompous circumambulating. Wait. Did I say that? I mean pomp & Circuit City, er uh
woah, @saxdiva I use sage for “whatever ails ya” — what DO you do when your sage gets sick? Yikes
” this is me in grade nine… ” [ http://muffinbottoms.org/?p… ].
@ev perhaps she should just do a short lapdance and then ask for more stuff that folds.
@NewsRimes4lines Will snailmail ever go/like telegram or quill pen?/Don’t worry if the bandwidth chokes/Just wait a little & twitter again.
@jack just don’t get the peanut butter.
RT @hfx_ben Modesto Anarcho #10: http://tinyurl.com/6tlfuj
“…like let’s say Twitter. All right, here we go. Everyone drink, I said Twitter. Tweet that I said Twitter.” — Leon Gersing
@langley I guess some people prefer to pay extra for stuff that’s been returned, put back in a box or bag and restapled.
Rt @dickc: Usher checked his blackberry during the big closing number, which is funny since he was IN the big closing number.
@chrisbrogan didn’t you get the memo? we’re careful not to say C4 – anymore. Munitions experts are a little bit touchy lately
My only real regret this weekend was that I only punk’d @shiralazar. Punking @aplusk would’ve been much more poetical. [evil grin…]
@wmmarc yesterday, not today for me. I think they were doing a lot of database maintenance. Maybe they’re not done.
Jeez, @BreakingNewsOn — Last time I threw an old pair of shoes over the fence of the White House some guy from the bushes thanked me.
@teepoole a lot can happen in a minute.
@rabble did you ever eat at a burrito place called Mucho Mas ?
@ev north face at patagonia??? Do I sense yet another unspoken Joint venture operational agreement?
@zephoria nice work. Should I feign academia and pretend to judge it for you? And how was your defense, or has that happened yet?
RT: @BreakingNewsOn Emergency services responded to a suspicious item found over the White House fence which turned out to be a shoe
RT: @BaghdadBrian @mjb http://bit.ly/20snux
@wholefoods nice of U 2 respond some. But it’s been 2 full days since this broke. Please be more prompt in the future.
@davewiner it was the sign $ steeple verses! FascistoCorporate America can’t handle those 2 verses. Real America can, but that pales, huh?
RT: This is fairly outrageous. HBO made YouTube take down the Pete Seeger/Bruce Springsteen “This is Your Land” video. http://bit.ly/NLlc
RT: @CityRoom Is That an Emoticon in 1862? http://tinyurl.com/8km3sn 😉 !
Any second now @davewiner is going to try dividing by 0 and have a mathematical meltdown.
@chrisbrogan they could always hire yours truly; but no one hardly ever finds those kinds of things important anymore!
Any second now @davewiner is going to divide by 0 and have a mathematical meltdown.
Or better yet, have Mika Brzezinski and Obama Girl start arguing who’s got more google juice, seo savvy or twitter love.
Someone really needs to do a satire of Obama blackberrying to qik and twittering that he’s videotaping the crowd or something.
@triciamckinney she’s prolly too old 4 http://www.hanselman.com/ba… huh? How about bejeweled, do they have it yet?
RT: @kidtechguru Find The Nearest Coffee House On A Google Map – http://tinyurl.com/942qm9
@kidtechguru neat!
wow. John Lennon’s sister doesn’t appreciate Bono or Geldoff too much, eh? http://tinyurl.com/6vvocw
RT: (looks like @UTNEreader peeps R getting their chops back!) Activist priest faces excommunication 4 support of women: http://bit.ly/35Kc
RT (interesting analysis!) @UtneReader A new form of censorship has quietly crept over the internet: http://bit.ly/IYVw
no no. @proudraven I didn’t mean you should add that, I was saying that platform was going to be a bandwidth hog, bigtime. hehehehe
@proudraven not just twitter. http://www.qik.com is going to uber hog.
RT: @pud I love that CNN keeps saying “See more of us at Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace” – in that order.
Wow, look at the very last paragraph: http://bit.ly/130me
How I Punk’d Fox’s Shira Lazar last night. http://muffinbottoms.org/?p…
Mondays comedy show. http://mondays.pwop.com
@ekai you sure some teenager didn’t stick a potato in there?
RT: @BlueCornComics Indians at the inaugural: http://tinyurl.com/7szc43
RT: @proudraven Censored News: Native American Blog by Brenda Norrell http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com
Listening to Michael Bucher song on Namapahh radio webstream. http://tinyurl.com/5kp34a
Pete Seeger makin’ u cry, @zadi ? 🙂
@mjb heck yeah!
@tomit ooh, U shoulda gotten acronis. Back up 2 an external drive, pop the different drive onto UR system, restore to the new drive. done.
RT: @minxlj As much as I applaud #inauguration efforts of recognising black contribs…where is the recognition of Native Americans? Really?
@aubs are you going to use Qik at the inaug?